Out Of Business
Do u just guys think any of the US anime company( not that i care) will go out of business due to the popularity of Hk dvds
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
No, because not many people know about HK bootlegs. More buy the R1s.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
I'm sure HK's are hurting their numbers some. I'm sure none of the bigger companies like ADV, Bandai, Viz, or Pioneer will go out of business. Smaller companies like Animeigo or Sync-Point could get hurt. And that might be part of the reason why they keep suc a close eye out for HK's and why Woodhead threatens anybody that tries to rip his stuff. But for the most part, no HK's won't put companies out of business.

What HK's will do is make companies more hesitant to license certain titles. Of course the bigger titles will get licensed no matter what since they will more than break even on those. No need to worry about One Piece or Naruto. But on some titles that might not be as popular, people buying the HK's instead of the R1's could hurt the numbers. Thus causing them not to license as many of those series.
CPM may go out of business because they license mostly shit for anime.
As per the popularity of HK they are becoming fairly popular.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
i couldnt give a shit if they go out of business, ill still be buying hks!
see you space cowboy...
these kind of topics are useless, so i will lock it.

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