Most under rated console of all time
Dreamcast. I bought it and everyone laughed at me. Six months and about ten games later, I see why. Problem is finding real good cheap games for it. Like, Id shut them all up if I imported KOF, but thats crazy money.

N64... everyone laughed at me there too... five games later, Im laughing too. What a waste of $20. Shoulda waited and got the SNES for $40.
You must not know about the DC Isos and Pirating in the Dreamcast do you?
No. I have no idea what your talking about. All I know about it Bleemcast... Ill buy one yet.
Ohh pirating on the DC thats why I bought mine I own like 200 games and I think I have only bought one legit... maybe that's why they didn't survive. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
megajo53 Said

Quote:Actually, the saturn verson of SOTN was slightly downgraded graphically, and there were some very annoying slowdown problems in the game. Maria was a cool addition though, but not nearly as fun to play as Alucard....

You know after reading that I did a little hunting. Yup there was a slowdown problem. and the graphics did take a slight dip. But then I found out that the US release of the PS1 had some extra time time to fix that and remove an extra charcter. You know I'll take a dip in grahpics if I get more replay out of my games wouldn't you...

Oh and the DC maybe dead as a door nail but it still holds a bigger market share in Japan than the X-box up till last quarter... pretty sad if you ask me
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Personaly I'd have to go with the Turbo Grafx/Duo, anytime I ever ask anyone around here they just look at me funny and go a Turbo what??? It's a shame too, it has a lot of nice games. Some of my favorites Keith Courage, Alien Crush, Devil's Crush, Sinistron, Ys Book I & II, Vasteel, and Exile to just name a few.
[Image: gametz-ad6.gif]
Did the Jaguar ever have any good games??? Every game I played on it was dumb. So I doubt it could be considered an UNDERRATED Console.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

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