Ranma 1/2 DVDs
My neighbor Totoro was played after Grave of the Fireflies, so everybody would leave happy. Smile
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I hear the 18 dvd set of ranma is very good,
exeptional good HK subs, allmost as good as viz...
and they're R2 rips Big Grin
I'm curious about Ranma. I've read reviews and in some it sounds like a show for children and in other reviews they state every anime fan will like it. I would like to know what the ammount of action is. Is there action in every episode/ every couple of episodes. Is there blood? If I like Kenshin and Trigun will I like this?
It's a large set to get if you don't know if you will like it and when I start something I like to finish it.
Ranma doesn't really have a heck of a lot in common with Trigun or Kenshin so it's kinda hard to say. I really can't imagine anyone not liking Ranma so I think it's a pretty safe buy. If nothing else, pick up MAC or FX seasons 1 and 2 and see what you think. Worst case scenario, you can trade the set on our board.. I guarantee you it wouldn't last long. My MAC season 3 was traded in all of.. 2 days?
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

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Ranma is one of those series that is really hard to dislike, truly another one of Takahashi-sama's masterpieces. I have never met anyone who didn't fall in love with it after the first episode. If you like comedy, you'll like it. If you like utterly ridiculous situations that could only happen in anime, you'll like it. If you like series that have a bunch of hot chicks(and one toooootally UNCUTE one) Big Grin fighting over over a guy, you'll like it. And even if that isn't enough for you, there's enough slapstick comedy in it to satisfy anybody. If you don't like Ranma you probably like violence and not anime. There isn't a whole lot of blood, and the fighting is there to advance storylines and develop characters, not for the sake of senseless violence. There's fighting in almost every episode I've seen, but it's more for slapstick comedy than blood and guts. Bottom line, buy seasons 1 and 2 and if you just don't get it you'll be the first. Ranma is what I use to introduce newbies to anime due to it's ability to successfully blend many genres and it's incredibly broad appeal.
Thanks for the info. Sounds like a good buy. I'll have to check it out.

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