the cheapest!!
I dunno if sellers on ebay and their ebay store counts as "online hk anime dvds shops" but this one seller .easy258 has a nice array of titles for more than reasonable prices.


btw, hello to all, I'm new here Big Grin . SO wished I knew about this site earlier...would've saved me a few bucks...
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
dailyplanet, welcome to the site, hope your days of buying poor quality HK dvds are over Wink

also easy258... I think thats OrangeB new seller ID? anyhow the word around the HK buying comunity that that seller is not very good... alot of people pay and never receive items.
Thank you JJ Smile I actually bought from easy258 and although my order took forever to ship, it did arrive, in I think 7-8 days. I bought the Noir 4 DVD (blehhh) set, but the packaging seemed weird to me. I think the seller used a generic 8 DVD plastic case and stuck a printout of the first volume coversleeve on the front :mad: .

Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
Easy258 is Orangeb alright, I emailed him once and his email ended with orangeb.

I hear he sells those cheap china rips where they take a DVD9 and stuff it in a poor quality DVD5, that would explain your shitty packaging
yeah, I guess that would explain why the dvds looked funny. Does anyone have any recommendations for other more reliable ebay sellers then? Smile
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.

what do you think of
is it a good anime site?do you recommend it to me?
is their shipping and service good or what?
I visited the site and since animeinternational ships from Hong Kong, they charge $20 or so for airmail. You might want to try discount anime . I've ordered from them several times and since they're located in California, shipping rates are lower and delivery is faster. Also, they sell R1 releases as well.

Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
most of the sites use paypal or bid pay and i can not use these services.that's why i asked about the quality of anime international products and their shipping time .
so please if you know any other site that doesn't use paypal or bidpay and cheap please tell me
I don't know if you thoroughly checked discountanime or not, but they do accept check or money order.
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
if you have a credit card how come you cant use paypal?
cuz i live in Qatar
Quote:Originally posted by mariam
cuz i live in Qatar

I'd ask you how old you are and if you're hot, but that Qatar thing puts a damper on things.

What? Like you guys weren't wondering. Cool
I know this post is old but just to tell you that sanosuke's post with the link to the animediscount is a bad link it took me to some weird porn site. Are you sure it wasn't instead.
It's not .com

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