Exam blues
Yakumo, did u draw those characters on the website? if so I might have a small job for you ^_^
Yep l did, what kind of job m8?
I'm kind abusy like l said doing exams at the moment, and l do it for free as wellSmile
cool, Smile when u have the time, can u make some anime characatures of the IA staff? got to about us and see the names (they are all males)

also can u make sure its not gonna be too tall.. cause i am planning to use to for the front page, where if I post news my character picture would show up in the news header...

let me know ^_^
Sure that shouldn't be a problem, however, like l said l got exams and l have to get a indistrial placement this year - damm media recession!!

do you want anime characters which look like you, ro the style similar to the one l done on the website??
simular to the ones u've done for that website.. doesnt need to look like real life counter parts .. but make em different from each other ^_^

and yea i understand you got the exams, so just do when u are done with those

edit: actually a charicatures based on real pics would be pretty sweet too Smile if u can bum the pics of the staff from the staff then that would be sweet hhe
sure thats no problem, l try and do some pics of you guys but l suck at that stuffSmile
The site is really kewl looking. I liked the little punk/goth girl. She kinda reminds me of, well me!!
The monkey with the most
thank you very much, the site was knocked up in 2 days, it could be a lot better if l had more time, and the transition effects are bit shit

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