Last night I was talking to Dark Osamu on MSN Messenger and we were just chillin and both working in Photoshop and I produced this. I haven't done any real highlights, but what do ya'll think?
better then anything I could do!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Another one I just finished. Like the first one, it needs highlights.
nice, if you really start to do this alot then you could make a seperate section on the site for web comics, that would be sweet. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thats way cool, I done stuff like this for Dr Slump ages ago, colouring them in
nice, a little roughness around the edges gives it more of a cartoony feel but very nice all in all. :mrgreen:
hmm, maybe I should install Photoshop on my computer, I've had a cracked version for awhile, I just dont want to fill up my hard drive, theres enough anime on it, plus I need a bot of room of DVD ripping
who needs, photo shop when you have MS paint right on your computer???? :? :? :? :? :? :?
but seriously, photo shop is aswome, can do so much cool stuff with it. :mrgreen:
Nice Suzaku! Like you said add highlights, and you'll be set. Wow Watsuki's art really does improve later on!
I'm pretty sure you are kidding about the MS paint thing. If you aren't you need to take a long walk off a short pier.

no I was kidding, hence the :mrgreen: ,I always crack that joke when disscussing photo shop. :mrgreen:
For a minute I was going to track you down, and kill you.
Nice job suzaku. I've done that same thing with alot of mangas. :mrgreen:
yeah, photo shop is really awsome, ..... to bad I suck at using it. :mrgreen:
I think Manga looks better in black and white.
if it is done correctly I think color is better. :mrgreen: although yes, the black and white is what the artist had in mind I guess. :mrgreen: