I love the black and white Urusei Yatsura. Amazing stuff.
yea, but there is alot more to be in awe of if it is in color, and you wouldnt want anime in black and white would you?
Except for Gigantor, Kimba, and Prince of Planets. :mrgreen:
yeah, I dont think I will ever get into anime that old :mrgreen:
You have to. To understand where it was and where it's going.
I guess so but it just doesnt apeal to me.
You'll learn to like it. :twisted:
Don't spread your post slut nonsense in my thead

It's about old school anime. I like your work Suzaku. There I said it. :mrgreen:
hmmmmmm..... yeah but I just find black and white on a tv screen annoying, and my theory is that in the begining everything sucked and then..... it got better, I have nothing to back that on but that is what I am stateing. :mrgreen:
Actually, no, the post was not about old school anime. It was about what I was doing. You dragged it off topic, ya ho

Thanks whore-monger. ^_^
OO I think a lot of the newer stuff lacks substance, and goes more for glitter.
yeah, I agree with you on that, but I think the stuff, that isnt that old but before recently like cowboy bebop for instance, is the best. :mrgreen:
Its all CGs fault, don't even know why they put it in new shows. Makes production cost higher making companies less willing to take risk on new type of shows
I hate CG. The only show in my opinion that's done a decent job with it was Bebop. they mixed the 2 together seamlessly. But I couln't stand something like Vandread, where they put in CG just for the heck of it. Even in Kenshin, they didn't use it much, but it seemed awkward everytime they used it. I think they should stick to traditional animation.