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Ok Suzakuseikun you get Filia, I get Nagha and Ashia... MAn it wold be a great day for me, But I'd have to be Vegeta or Zelgadis to hit it strong and silent type just the oppsite of me...LOL
Wait, who do I get? :mrgreen:
Nah, my post was clearly ahead of yours. :mrgreen:
ok well I call whever is lect after you are through.
I'm a fine ladies man.
NOTE: By the way Suzaku, I'm going to rip your fucking eyes out and shove them down your pants, SO YOU CAN WATCH ME KICK THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!!!! Thanks for editing my post numb nuts!!!!
Suzaku note: wurd.
that just made me sick

Even that weedy little old guy from Ninja Scroll Steve?
Suzaku edited my post like a retarded chimp. I'm blaming him because hes done it before. Probable cause, GOD BLESS THE AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM!!!!
I want to plead insanity, please. :mrgreen:
I'm going to go Law and Order on your ass. Though I'll give up after I hit the first wall in the case. I'll give you a plea bargain, 3-5?
If you hire steve you can pay him in doughnuts or love. :mrgreen:
Damn straight. I also accept Pixie dust. :mrgreen:
What about Farie dust and MasterCard? Do you accept those?
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