That's what they all say. I've seen the same thing happen in an episode of Dragnet. Not the crappy new one but the classy old one. :mrgreen:
Know what sucks?..............................................A vaccum cleaner. 8O :mrgreen:
hehe Now that's comedy. :mrgreen:
no you say, " what does your mom and a vaccume cleaner have in common?"
"they both suck blow and get laid in the closet."
I almost couldn't understand your broken english. :mrgreen:
Damn you HK DVDs. Look what you did!!!! :mrgreen:
They ruined another young mind. :|
There should be a warning label on those. "Caution: Engrish ahead"
It would read more like "Extreme adherence in the days soon ahead english".

Going your days Grow Up!

all fixed, sorry I was in a hurry.

Hehe...Fixed. * Run Sparky Run* :o
those evil/naughty veterarians.