oh so that was you? but that guy didn't have a d....I mean.....good times! :mrgreen:
Who was the one dressing the rooster in leather. Sick bastards. :mrgreen:
hey! that took me all night to make! show some appreciation!
lol :mrgreen:
You went out and bought it!!!! Don't Lie!!!! :mrgreen:
He can't help it he has a problem.

so! so what if I did! like that matters!
*begins to cry and then runs away*
It matters because I bought the chicken from KFC. You guys are Necropheliacs too. BAD SEX OFFENDERS!!!BAD!!! :evil:
erm, ok, what r u talking about
Don't play dumb with me Mod. We know you're involved.

Of course he is. I have him on tape at the KFC.

c'mon guys, this isnt about who took chicken from who, its about the love
c'mon, group hug every one! :mrgreen:
Wait, is that Pop Corn chicken on your breath. You bastard!!!! :mrgreen:
ummm.....it was an accident! I swear!