i was just jokeing when i was pretending to be gay, i am not gay, but i have been getting reports that it annoys you guys, so i have stopped as of 10 secs ago, also go check the sig i made for optimistic, it's better than mine
sorry to boost but this was not being read, and it is inmportant, i don't want to b an outcast on this site
Officially excommunicated!!!! :mrgreen:
ha ha ha ha ha! You gay bastard! (just kidding for those who may be I have no problem with that) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8O 8O 8O 8O
I have no problem with gays as long as they do not express there thoughts or previous actions.
as long as they aren't attracted to me I'm fine. :mrgreen: Would you think of that as a compliment? That you're so fine that you even attract members of the same sex. You know you want me. :mrgreen:


Well, you know that no one can resist the fother on step by step or whe ever he is. :lol:
That just made me never watch step by step again if there was ever a doubt in my mind. 8O
I think that JT Cody and him had something going on. :lol: Cody did have the rapist van.
Yeah, he was also always stoned, man there are so many messed up tv stars like the father Mike on the Brady Bunch.
Damn, must we talk about cock chuggers?!?
Cody from step by step beat his wife. That is why he wasn't present later in the show.

Plus he was in Kick Boxer 2 through 900057496....however many KBs there were. STUPID MOVIES. "you bleed like Mai Li" 8O