would you also like this slightly torn bladder?
As long as it can float in a pickle jar.
So will you pack it for me or do I have to carry it in my shirt?!?
naw, it cant be kept in your shirt, it needs a more firm holder, your pants should work fine, but you will have to take them off first. :mrgreen:
Sounds like a trap Pie don't do it! 8O
It's poisioned. Don't eat it till you pickle it.

well ovcourse they are poisoned, we just crashed our ambulance directly over them.
Well that is quality.

He always tries to get my pants off.
You want that though right? :?
not off! just into these tight spandex tights! :mrgreen:
This conversation is going to far. :evil:
yes I agree, I will just sop here.
It's a good Idea.