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were you holding out on me steeve!? there were some more animals in that barn, weren't there!?
*points finger at steeve with angry glare* :mrgreen:
Across the border is a magical land of livestock rape. :mrgreen:
yes,....somewhere in Utah......Damn utanians (and yes I know that is not a word proffesor Suza) :mrgreen:
Ouch, take that Captain Grammar!!!! :mrgreen:
Ders nuffin rong wif gud grahmuh.
Damn Germans. Fucking krouts!!!! :mrgreen:
Duesch Reich!!!! :mrgreen:
dude, i think it's nin
It's all the same to the English speaking world. :mrgreen:
NINE! ... I mean yes!
hehe, that's my German, errrrr, English friend!!!! :mrgreen:
uh oh....that is all the german that I know...
Don't lie to me you damn Kraut!!!! We know what you did in the war!!!! :mrgreen:
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