hmmm...yes that it does....hey that reminds me, I have to go exersize heheh
It's good at anytime. Unfortunately several students at my school agree with that. The have been caught "exercising" in school. :mrgreen:
lol, you have to be carfull, especially if the teacher suddenly asks you to stand up and give your report.
*desk screeches on floor*
*russle russle*
*ok, lets see...oh steeve would you pleese stand up and present your report to the class*
*stands up*
*Class looks over at steeve*
* :oops: :oops: :oops: *
Sadly someone was caught on several occasions. Suppousedly the Library was the best place to wax the carrot on your free period. Damn, he was a library clerk and checked out one of my books.

A great feeling of ambivalence. :mrgreen:
and you would think that he would learn to be more careful, you must have a pretty damn big library if it was the best place to *excersise*
He needs to get his rocks off before school is what he needs to do. :mrgreen:

Yeah, well everyone needs a little break during the day no matter what it may be :mrgreen:
wow i was reading, and I heard you guys mention quick reply, I didnt know what you were talking about, but now that i got down here...WOW...Very Nice
Yeah it is a lot esier and quicker
Hence the name. :mrgreen:
I'm loving it. Thank you whoever came up with the Idea! :mrgreen:
yeah, it is great, the only bad thing is there is no bold, Italics or underlined selections but that really isn't a big deal.