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Lol Kakoi. Well, on top of everything else, I guess I'd like to see really interesting fleshed out characters, other than that... dunno. ^^ I really know nothing about either, and I like everything from Excel Saga to Hellsing, so whether it's good comedy, romance, action, or philosophy I'll take it =)
Grave of the Fireflies was a great movie. But you really can't compare that and Bebop since they are totally different. But I'd still say Bebop is better since it has replayability. No matter how many times you see an episode, you don't get tired of it, whereas there's only so many times you can watch Grave of the Fireflies.
yeah, bebop does have more replay value but everything wears out for me if I watch it to long, but if I give things enough of a break I can always watch them again.
Lol, actually some parts of Bebop are just too emotional for me too watch anymore. I have to give that series a rest for a couple of years before I watch it through again. It's getting to the point where Ganymede Elegy, Speak Like a Child, and the last three episodes just make me break down in tears. They get more powerful everytime I see them. Can't take it.
yeah, I actually no what you are talking about. with some things, everytime a watch them the emotion is all the stronger. like in bebop and also in One piece I have found :mrgreen: Cry :mrgreen:
The episode I've watched the most is Ballad of Fallen Angels and also the very last one. I love the Spike/Vicious battles and the dialogue that goes with it.
yeah, I cant help going into my own world when I even hear greenbird, the chapel scene is just magnificent.
Alot, actually I think all of the main characters in One Piece have a sad story. Some of them are very moving. I can think of quite a few right now that have moved me to tears. So Vance, I think that I will recommend One Piece to you, although Hikaru no Go has alot of strong points as well. So get One Piece first then get Hikaru no Go. Big Grin
yeah, I cant help but be misty eyed at watching the childhood stories of the charecters of one piece. even when its a second time :mrgreen:
Zoro's and Chopper's are really great. Very sad, but really great. :mrgreen:
yeah, especially chopa's I really liked that old doctor Cry
Vance go with One Piece you'll be very happy you did. It is an excellent show. It has a good balance of all the things that make anime what it is. So get that then, when you have all that is out on DVD get Hikaru no Go and get addicted to that. :mrgreen:

Hiruruku or Kureha?
hmmmmm... that gives me a good Idea for a new thread :mrgreen:
One Piece it is then =) From the way you guys talk about it it sounds awesome. I'll order up the first set friday when I get my paycheck ^^ Can't wait.
alright, but you might as well start saving for the rest that is out and the movies too, because that show is addicting as hell!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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