onizuka17711 Wrote:Any band that makes a song about their fat cat kicks ass, though Fat Mike's voice sorta annoys me...
Within A week Rav will have to return to second that comment. Personally I like Fat Mike's voice, although I'll admit it's changed just a hair over the past few years.
Batz Kage Wrote:Within A week Rav will have to return to second that comment. Personally I like Fat Mike's voice, although I'll admit it's changed just a hair over the past few years.
Speaking of which where did he go? Off locked away studying for finals or something?
i just started listening to modest mouse and hey are pretty good
Blight Wrote:Speaking of which where did he go? Off locked away studying for finals or something?
Yeah, last I checked he was glidng through the work his friends needed, and struggling t force himself to start of his own work.
Aw, I miss him!

katherine_jean Wrote:Aw, I miss him! 
No worries, he'll be back, he always comes back

Batz Kage Wrote:No worries, he'll be back, he always comes back 
He better damn well come back! :eek:
katherine_jean Wrote:He better damn well come back! :eek:
Well, he'll be back after his Hong Kong vacation
And He'll have plently of pictures with him

Batz Kage Wrote:Well, he'll be back after his Hong Kong vacation 
And He'll have plently of pictures with him 
Good enough ^^
He'd best be back, or I'm going to have to go over there to England and kick is ass! Not that I wouldn't mind going anyway... :p .
Yeah, the board has seemed pretty quite lately in general. Lots of people seem to not drop by as often. I need to start collecting e-mail addresses of the people I like (which is pretty much ALL of the regulars) so I don't lose contact with them.

WOW just read this post!!! MUSIC wo0t
yep im back well on the net in Hk anmyway
i'll be post slutting again soon :p
Hurry up and be slutty! ( that sounded wrong on so many levels XD) You know what i mean...I think....hurry back Rav! *looks for him*
Awwwwwwwwwww :p . Lol. Damn, missed him again! Time to bring out the supplies *pulls out a box with chocolate syrup, a net, and soap on a rope*
