I buy this title and very disappoint on it. :mad:
I feel MAC lie me :mad:
It' very very low bit rate,not clear,interace and pixelation.
Disk type not same in animegod website told :mad:
Chobits perfect collotion DTS version (websit said D9x3)
Disk1 D9 with 12 episodes total data on disk about 6G
Disk2 D5 with 8 episodes total data on disk about 4G
Disk3 D5 with 7 episodes total data on disk about 3G
Ai Yori Aoshi perfect collotion DTS version (websit said D9x3)
Disk1 D9 with 12 episodes total data on disk about 6G
Disk2 D5 with 6 episodes total data on disk about 3G
Disk3 D5 with 6 episodes total data on disk about 3G
A little snow fairy Sugar perfect collotion DTS version (websit said D9x3)
Disk1 D5 with 9 episodes total data on disk about 4G
Disk2 D5 with 9 episodes total data on disk about 4G
Disk3 D5 with 9 episodes total data on disk about 4G
Happy Lesson perfect collotion DTS version (websit said D9x2)
Disk1 D5 with 9 episodes total data on disk about 4G
Disk2 D5 with 8 episodes total data on disk about 4G
FLCL perfect collotion DTS version (websit said D9)
Disk1 D5 with 6 episodes total data on disk about 3G
I want to warn your guys don't buy it. I didn't lie you
Hm... that sucks that most of your DVDs turned out to be DVD-5 instead of DVD-9. I never trust the MAC website for information from them. I've heard somewhere else that they've been putting their releases on DVD-5 lately, so I try to avoid buying from them. Thanks for the warning though.
Psygnius Wrote:Hm... that sucks that most of your DVDs turned out to be DVD-5 instead of DVD-9. I never trust the MAC website for information from them. I've heard somewhere else that they've been putting their releases on DVD-5 lately, so I try to avoid buying from them. Thanks for the warning though.
Ok WTF is this DVD-9/DVD-5 CRAP...Does that deal with ammount of space or what?
DVD-5 is a Single-Layer Disc.... holds 4.7 Gigs (rounded to 5, that's why it's called DVD-5)
DVD-9 is a Dual-Layer Disc.... holds 9.4 Gigs, (rounded to 9, therefore DVD-9)
That should help explain the gist of what Whip posted. So his DVDs had some really crappy bit rates on some of them.
Psygnius Wrote:DVD-5 is a Single-Layer Disc.... holds 4.7 Gigs (rounded to 5, that's why it's called DVD-5)
DVD-9 is a Dual-Layer Disc.... holds 9.4 Gigs, (rounded to 9, therefore DVD-9)
That should help explain the gist of what Whip posted. So his DVDs had some really crappy bit rates on some of them.
Damn WTF...I mean shit I use fricken 4.7 gig DVDs that's not good for the ammount they put on the discs...
Eh, guess it's back to R1's for me if Fx is gone and MAC is releasing crappy stuff.
I'm still confused at how they're all claiming to be 'dts' versions. When NONE of these anime were even in dts.
desfunk Wrote:I'm still confused at how they're all claiming to be 'dts' versions. When NONE of these anime were even in dts.
They lied, like the rest of the stuff they said in that dudes post. I never did like MAC.
Wow... this raises a few good questions.
First, Whip... where did you buy these discs from?
Second, since when did FX disappear? JJ received a new shipment from them within the past week.
Chobits is the only one of those titles that have been reviewed on this site so far and the review is fairly thorough but doesn't mention the horrible quality you seem to imply.
That's one of the nice things about this web site. Having reliable reviews that you can read before you order a title makes it easier to know what you're getting before you spend your money.
I guess the final thing on my mind is why did Whip decide to make his very first post in our forum a slanderous one about discs that aren't even in the data base? About one third of my collection is MAC titles and I haven't had any problems that would seperate them from other companies.
Haven't you followed the fx news Zag? People still don't know if they are gone or not after the bust and are worrying quite a bit.
I've heard more people complain about the dvd5's and bad quality so I think he's telling the truth. Maybe they are doing the reprints of the Chobits on dvd5's. There was a funny discussion posted on arctic between a member and a guy from MAC had on msn or something. The guy from MAC claimed they were soo good at encoding you won't see the difference. They admitted to using dvd5's for new releases.
The DTS thing is weird. I think they have some sort of program for coding sound in DTS format cause when you play the sets my receiver reads the DTS track. It isn't the quality you'd expect from DTS so its some sort of fake.
I recently ordered MAC titles they are mostly older titles that came out atleast 6 months ago and some maybe up to 4 years ago. The newest would be Inuyasha 1-3 and Hakusho... I'm not expecting much from them tho since MAC is the last choice for HK sets. Is FX really still doin business with JJ? That rocks I have some key anime titles I want on FX but they aren't in JJ's store yet..
Last Exile
Orphen and Orphen Revenge
Inuyasha 4
Zagatto Wrote:Wow... this raises a few good questions.
First, Whip... where did you buy these discs from?
Second, since when did FX disappear? JJ received a new shipment from them within the past week.
Chobits is the only one of those titles that have been reviewed on this site so far and the review is fairly thorough but doesn't mention the horrible quality you seem to imply.
That's one of the nice things about this web site. Having reliable reviews that you can read before you order a title makes it easier to know what you're getting before you spend your money.
I guess the final thing on my mind is why did Whip decide to make his very first post in our forum a slanderous one about discs that aren't even in the data base? About one third of my collection is MAC titles and I haven't had any problems that would seperate them from other companies.
I think Zags been living under a rock for the past week....
Well I ordered 4/5 of those about 2 weeks ago. They were in JJ's store - they're gone now if they aren't anymore.
No one ever said that FX is gone. I haven't seen any verifiable information that basically Florachan was caught, and business will cease. I've seen the article you're talking about, Cidien, but basically from what I can tell, only one of his factories was seized.
I highly doubt he has his own factory. It was a warehouse that was raided. As long as he has financial backing and the master tapes he'll be back.
If he won't be back then I have alot of future collectors items on my shelf