Quote:Originally Posted by desfunk
I'm still confused at how they're all claiming to be 'dts' versions. When NONE of these anime were even in dts.
I think maybe animegod reencode it
Quote:Originally Posted by Zagaato
First, Whip... where did you buy these discs from?
http://animegod.com MAC website and
I know it's my mistake that I buy without read any review.
I just want to try some MAC that nobody review ,so I know it's my risk,and I want to warn
people who want to try some title of MAC with out review.
I don't compain anythink in this website don't get me wrong Zatgaato.
I buy most of my titles without them having been reviewed yet because I'm curious about the titles. I have heard that MAC has started cutting corners in production but I have yet to see any of the affected titles.
I wonder how much advantage someone who uses a progressive scan DVD player has over a basic player with these lower bitrate titles.
Well 6 eps. on a dvd5 shouldn't be all THAT bad. Outlaw star R1 had 5 eps. on a dvd5 I think (and probably some extra's too).
But taking into account that MAC sucks at encoding (as some have tried to explain to me but I don't understand all that tech talk so I just take it as the truth) and the outcome can get quite bad.
Zagatto Wrote:I buy most of my titles without them having been reviewed yet because I'm curious about the titles. I have heard that MAC has started cutting corners in production but I have yet to see any of the affected titles.
I wonder how much advantage someone who uses a progressive scan DVD player has over a basic player with these lower bitrate titles.
Does anyone even have a dvd player that isn't progressive scan? Even the cheap $40 ones have it now.
maybe people still got DVD players they bought a few years ago that wasnt progressive scan standard
Zagatto Wrote:I guess the final thing on my mind is why did Whip decide to make his very first post in our forum a slanderous one about discs that aren't even in the data base? About one third of my collection is MAC titles and I haven't had any problems that would seperate them from other companies.
I agree with Zagatto. This is very strange. This guy registered here just to bash MAC. What kind of newbie does that? I smell fish.
Do you guys notice that his English is bordering on HK engrish? I am not gonna name any names, but in AN forum, there have been people from other stores who tried to slander other sites to get themselves more business. The common thing is they all speak engrish. I am very suspicious.
A few people reported this including someone with direct connection to MAC. I don't doubt it much.
Cidien Wrote:A few people reported this including someone with direct connection to MAC. I don't doubt it much.
That?s what makes me more suspicious. You are talking about the stuff recently posted in AN forum. That?s probably where he got the idea in the first place.
He claims to order directly from MAC. That shows he is a HK DVD veteran, but he never registered here. All of sudden, he comes here and makes a detailed post about MAC. What gives? Why here?
The timing is very convenient. Now that FX is down, JJ will mainly carry MAC titles. Whip is basically hinting that we should not buy MAC, and that reduces JJ's business and maybe increases rival's chances.
I am sure elcoholic will remember. About a few months ago in AN forum, when people praised about import-anime?s service, someone with poor HK engrish from another store accused them of being IA employees and posting fake praises of IA. He further went onto saying that MAC is crap because all they do is copy MI.
That?s a giveaway. Look at Whips? writing. He said ?MAC new titles? Also, improper use of present and past tenses, use of verbs instead of nouns. It's so typical HK engrish.
Let's not get into whipping Whip around here.
I've done a little research beyond our comfortable forum here and it does turn out that MAC has been using 5s for DVDs instead of 9s as was typical. In general we shouldn't be too surprised to NOT be getting R1 quality from our HK releases.
It's just odd to have someone sign into our forums just to point this out. I'd like to see what Whip has to contribute to other threads in our forum.
There's nothing new about that. Everybody including FX, MI, AV, MAC uses mix of both DVD5 and DVD9.
FX?s Kino?s journey and MI?s Nadia set uses a DVD5 and DVD9. MAC?s Giant Robo always used DVD5. I guess MAC ?s using a little more DVD5 than they did before. Still it shouldn?t affect that much.
Well, it's the truth. MAC are cutting down their budget by using more DVD5 instead of DVD9 now. They want to save more, but no matter how hard they do, the quality will still have it's flaws. To tell you the truth, I dont care if the pixelations are a bit worser than before, as long as its still watchable so Im not worryin about that anymore. What else to expect for a cheap dvd set with 1/8 the price ur payin for. I would never expect to get a HK dvd set with perfect R1 quality, although if there was one, everyones happy.

Yeh over at AN I think it was Hayabusa that talked with them on messenger and they were like 'there is no difference between dvd-5 and dvd-9!'. They also went on about spending like $2500 dollars on some PC card that makes 5.1 and DTS sound or something and 'its what hollywood uses'... They are idiots.
Yeah, that was the discussion I was talking about. Now that was a funny read.
And HBK101, I think your talking about Voltage or whatever name he used at the time. Else I don't recall. There have been alot of weird HK engrish speaking posters at AN lately though. Especially those guys from anime-icon. Man they were annoying.
elcoholic Wrote:And HBK101, I think your talking about Voltage or whatever name he used at the time. Else I don't recall. There have been alot of weird HK engrish speaking posters at AN lately though. Especially those guys from anime-icon. Man they were annoying.
I am not talking about Voltage. Voltage didn't speak bad engrish, more like ghetto English. It was a lot older than that. Like 9 months ago. There were a whole bunch of new users who all used bad engrish.
They say their items are official. They've disguised their products as fx before. Saying DVD5's are DVD9's is nothing out of the ordinary.