But before you get banned instead of insulting me give me a reason why its better to spend 80 more dollars for anime thats pretty much the same as HK except with different box and dvd? Try to think really really hard
BTW blight go back to my posts i didn't call anyone stupid i called rooster out for calling other people stupid.
Slizerzak Wrote:Im stupid because i spend money on bills why you still live in your moms basement because you want to support your favorite companies. Go buy some stock then and shut the fuck up.
And where would you be living? I don't live with my parents (although they have been bugging me to move back in again) and I have to pay these bills you like to talk so much about. Like you're the only one with bills. I have to pay Car insurance, cable, electricity, gas, water, and credit card bills. Did I mention rent? And I can still afford to buy 5-6 anime DVD's a month. So what point are you making here?
And before you come back with 'you're rich'. Did I mention how I got free lunch when I went to school because my family qualified for it? Or how I'd have friends parents buying cars for them while I had to make payments for any car I got past my very first one which my dad bought for like $1000?
So tell me why you're any more special than anyone else on here? Tell me. I'll sit here and wait until you come up with another sob story for yourself. I'll wait here so you can walk up the stairs of your basement and go ask your mom to help you come up with a reason.
balthier Wrote:I'd rather buy HK japanese langauge only sets then expensive R1 it's just NOT WORTH IT. And hearing things like 2 episodes per disc is just sick! A dvd can hold 13 episodes or 9 GOOD quality episodes and 2 episodes per disc for gantz? how fucking stupid do they think I am, like i would buy a $25 dvd with 2 freaking episodes, you goddam rich morons can buy it not me NEVER
As for you, math-whiz, what DVD school did you go to? 9 episodes on one DVD? No reasonable DVD distributor would put 216 minutes on one DVD...
...and while Gantz is only 2 episodes per DVD, it's only $13 a DVD... which works out to 4 episodes for $26... which is pretty standard as that's 100mins or more (being that they're uncut episodes)... 100mins of entertainment for $26 is basically standard in the non-piracy world.
It isn't rocket science, fuckface (figured if I'm facing a ban, I might as well get my digs in on this "genius" before I go).
balthier Wrote:Want or Need... who the hell cares, the point is WE CHEAP MOFO's will get our anime for 1/10 of what you rich dipshits pay for it and nobody is gonna stop us from getting it.. not honk kong customs and not you.
You love your R1 companies so giv em all you got
I love R1 companies too for making dubs but I'm not gonna give em a goddam dime, sorry
I'd rather buy HK japanese langauge only sets then expensive R1 it's just NOT WORTH IT. And hearing things like 2 episodes per disc is just sick! A dvd can hold 13 episodes or 9 GOOD quality episodes and 2 episodes per disc for gantz? how fucking stupid do they think I am, like i would buy a $25 dvd with 2 freaking episodes, you goddam rich morons can buy it not me NEVER
Rich, WTF! I pay for college tuition and car insurance and gas which leaves me with about 40 bucks at the end of the month. I buy HK's too but I'm not as ignorant to think that R1's are over priced. I am currently buying Yu Yu R1's cause the series is something I enjoy and I believe in giving credit where credit is due.
r00ster Wrote:Are you even able to walk upright and chew gum at the same time? Apparently you aren't able to type and think at the same time... or else statements like that wouldn't show up in this thread.
It's not the same product... it's a product that the R1 companies have licensed, and then spent a fortune translating, dubbing, packaging, and marketing... and then the HK companies have STOLEN, packaged at lower quality, and sold at prices the R1 companies couldn't possibly sell their DVDs at without losing money.
Congratulations, you're the newest posterboy for not having a fucking clue on this forum.
..and I'm on this forum because, for the most part, it has a good anime fan-base, which has a lot of Canadians... and most people around here understand simple concepts like economics and copyrighted materials.
Fuckin' mook.
PS - Vegeta, I PM'd you with a list of some of the best Canadian anime dealers I've found on Ebay recently... Manga Depot is definitely the best of the bunch, as they've always been willing to match or price things lower than amazon.ca, or other Canadian big-box retailers. They've always given me fair deals, and they're never bothered by requests for things they don't have currently listed but may have in stock.
Cattylogue is also phenomenal, though the selection is small and turns over frequently. You can currently get the Love Hina movies box set for a very good price, or all 3, officially licensed R1s of Slayers, Slayers Next and Slayers Try for $90 total... that's all three seasons.
I think you have serious anger problems... why is it that you pick on all us poor people that will only buy HK sets? Is it because you feel you've lost $15,000 being a dipshit buying R1 because you love them sooo ? Are you jealous we can actually afford other things in life too while you whipe your ass with tree leaves to safe money for your dear sweet R1 companies?
Leave us the fuck alone, nothing in this world will stop us from getting anime for very cheap and if there is no alternative to paying out the ass then i guarantee you most of us will just say fuck it and ONLY buy extremely good box set animes.
Slizerzak Wrote:BTW blight go back to my posts i didn't call anyone stupid i called rooster out for calling other people stupid.
All right, must've been the other dude, I just don't like people playing the I so broke card. I'm broke as hell and I still want to get R1's. So I will supply you with some reasonble explanation as to why to get R1's over HK's.
Quality is one of the biggest and most obvious. Then there is the presentation, it just looks better to have R1's sitting out than HK sets. Third is you know they are actually worth something, cause you had to shell more for it. Fourth, I am glad to buy a series in R1 if I feel what was done with it was worth my money. Cause having the R1's to Trouble Chocolate is nothing to brag about.
Slizerzak Wrote:But before you get banned instead of insulting me give me a reason why its better to spend 80 more dollars for anime thats pretty much the same as HK except with different box and dvd? Try to think really really hard
No order of preferences:
1. 99.9% distortions-free of any kind.
2. Cover Arts
3. Worth of the set
4. Better Extras on DVDs
5. Respect/support for the original creators/studios
6. Looks better on the shelves
7. T-shirts, pins, de-cal, postcards, pencil boards, figurines, soundtracks etc
8. My choice
9. Replacing HK sets
10. A reason for my family to yell at me. So difficult for them to find a reason to yell at me these days.

Never have to go out and buy a new dvd player just to play the R1s. I'd bought 8 dvd players consecutively just to play the HKs before and I grew sick and tired of moving room to room to try the HKs on each dvd player, plugging and unplugging dvd players.
No need to think really hard. Came up with these reasons in a minute.
Don't start with the "you are rich" crap. I pay rent, pay utilities, credit card bills, go to school and work. Never said that I hadn't bought HKs before but I replace them with R1s if I think they are worth it.
Question: Does the F-word really brings out a point? Am I supposed to support or think that a point is correct after seeing F F F F F F F F F F F everywhere?
Japschin Wrote:No order of preferences:
1. 99.9% distortions-free of any kind.
2. Cover Arts
3. Worth of the set
4. Better Extras on DVDs
5. Respect/support for the original creators/studios
6. Looks better on the shelves
7. T-shirts, pins, de-cal, postcards, pencil boards, figurines, soundtracks etc
8. My choice
9. Replacing HK sets
10. A reason for my family to yell at me. So difficult for them to find a reason to yell at me these days.
No need to think really hard. Came up with these reasons in a minute.
Don't start with the "you are rich" crap. I pay rent, pay utilities, credit card bills, go to school and work. Never said that I hadn't bought HKs before but I replace them with R1s if I think they are worth it.
Question: Does the F-word really brings out a point? Am I supposed to support or think that a point is correct after seeing F F F F F F F F F F F everywhere?
Damn, your list is better. But the part about having expenses is really the point. All people have expenses and do you really think a rich person would come to this site anyway? No offense JJ.
I didn't say anyone is rich here but my HK GITS dvd has tons of extras you don't have to buy R1s to get extras and whats so great about having expensive sets do you put your dvds around your neck and try to pass it off as Bling bling? Those may be some good reasons only reason I would buy r1 is if the hk is bad quality but I havent seen much just my ROD tv is bad but if you research before you buy you can get good hk.
Japschin Wrote:No order of preferences:
1. 99.9% distortions-free of any kind.
2. Cover Arts
3. Worth of the set
4. Better Extras on DVDs
5. Respect/support for the original creators/studios
6. Looks better on the shelves
7. T-shirts, pins, de-cal, postcards, pencil boards, figurines, soundtracks etc
8. My choice
9. Replacing HK sets
10. A reason for my family to yell at me. So difficult for them to find a reason to yell at me these days.
11. Never have to go out and buy a new dvd player just to play the R1s. I'd bought 8 dvd players consecutively just to play the HKs before and I grew sick and tired of moving room to room to try the HKs on each dvd player, plugging and unplugging dvd players.
No need to think really hard. Came up with these reasons in a minute.
Don't start with the "you are rich" crap. I pay rent, pay utilities, credit card bills, go to school and work. Never said that I hadn't bought HKs before but I replace them with R1s if I think they are worth it.
Question: Does the F-word really brings out a point? Am I supposed to support or think that a point is correct after seeing F F F F F F F F F F F everywhere?
Thank you... I was going to make a list like that, but was too lazy, and busy slinging the F-word around everywhere.

Sometimes, it's the only hope of getting certain less-than-intelligent people to read your post, rather than just -looking- at it and then vomiting up more nonsense. You have to speak 'there' language, you know.

I think Bathwater might be a bigger nitwit than Silverzak. Although neither one will ever be mistaken for a member of MENSA.

Yeah because how you spend your money determines how smart you are. And of course your defending R1s look how much cash youve blown on all those DVDs in your Sig i guess if i blew that much money I would get all angry at people when they say HK is better. And im stupid? Could have probably bought a really nice computer or a bigscreen TV with all the money you wasted on those dvds. You guys sure are pretty sad for defending the statement
The point is that you don't need the anime, you just want it
Because you have like 50 more r1s then i have HK.
God is this convo going on again?
We have had enough of these hk vs r1 things.
I mean come on defending one over the other like this is no better than the old
sub vs dub fights.
Thier are HK elitests and R1 Elietests.
Neither one will ever give the other an inch.
So let it go.
Yes there are good and bad points to each side.
No, neither group likes being told why they buy things.
And degrading down into name calling is just weak.
I dont know about the rest of you but I buy what i can afford.
I have yu yu hakusho hk cause theirs no way in hell i could afford that r1 release.
I hfave sailor moon R R1 cause i could afford it.
Thats it. No high and mighty stand against something, just go old fashioned capitalism.
R1 companies arent monsters who want the fillings out of your teeth, but their not angels by any strech of the imagination. They take advantage of their position too.
Hk companies are just as opportunistic and no more scruppels.
There is no need to have this fight cause it will solve nothing.
I WANT the 20 MINUTES I spent reading this crap BACK!!!!