Slizerzak Wrote:LoL i dont have a clue? How the fuck is it not the same product if the HK companies stole it how is it not the same product because its not on the same DVD disc or in the same packaging. Do you work for some anime company or something becasue you really seem to want to buy there overpriced stuff.And if im the posterboy for not having a clue what goes on in this forum you must be a posterboy for wasting your money because you love those anime companies so much!
Are you that stooooooooopid??? YOU were the one who started comparing R1 anime to Seinfeld. Rooster told you how the 2 are different. And then somehow you twisted his stuff around trying to compare R1 vs. HK. How did you get lost from point A to point B? You only had to walk about 3 steps.
Man. Can't believe I missed all this fun because I was working at a different location today. Although, if I had been here, I might have been joining Rooster in that 3 day timeout that's coming. :p
Slizerzak Wrote:Ok this was a intelligent debate what the fuck is your problem rooster you started insulting people?
His problem is that you're too stupid to understand anything more complicated than picking your own nose.
Slizerzak Wrote:By the way can you explain WTF a clownshoe is?
Get up. Go stand in front of a mirror. And there is your answer.
Slizerzak Wrote:By the way can you explain WTF a clownshoe is?
A Clownshoe's a great big novelty shoe that a clown wears. Used as a noun in Kevin Smith films... see the showdown at the end of Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. It can also be used to derisively denote something's lack of value or substance. Eg, anything by Studio Clamp is bound to be clownshoes.
r00ster Wrote:No, junior, the "inevitable truth" is that you don't -need- to own 78 series of anime on DVD, and if you can afford to buy 78 HK series on DVD, then you could have afforded to own about 20-30 R1 sets, and actually done the industry some good.
If the HK scene ever got so out of control that the R1 translators/distributors couldn't keep themselves afloat, they wouldn't make the subs/dubs that all the HK companies rip and sell, so you'd be stuck with no dubs, horrible subtitles, or at best fansubs. Even the legitimate fansub groups know to stop subbing and distributing a show as soon as it gets picked up for North American distribution. They do it for the love of anime, not for the love of screwing over the R1 companies that don't charge anything they shouldn't be.
I'm not going to go through my list of expenses an R1 company has to go through to bring a foreign show to us in a presentable way again... as I'm sure you're far to dim to grasp it anyways. By your post its clear that you have a very simple view of the world, and the way it works.
DUH you think I didnt know that? Point is rich idiots like you can pay for R1 I will never waste money like that, I can get anime elsewhere for 1/10 the price because 78 anime series isn't enough for me... I want them all!
And where do you get off calling me Junior? I could prolly whoop your ass into the ground
Im stupid because i spend money on bills why you still live in your moms basement because you want to support your favorite companies. Go buy some stock then and shut the fuck up.
Slizerzak Wrote:Im stupid because i spend money on bills why you still live in your moms basement because you want to support your favorite companies. Go buy some stock then and shut the fuck up.
The point is that you don't need the anime, you just want it. End of the God Damn story.
r00ster Wrote:Oh lost cause of all lost causes... why do I bother? Everyone who keeps thinking -any- of the responsibility for HK popularity over R1 lies with the R1 companies just keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. Meanwhile, the rest of us who understand how the world works outside of crying over our incomes, will keep supporting the industry and keep the westernized anime around for the HK companies to rip off and sell to you.
You can't compare North American shows on DVD to anime shows on DVD... think -real- hard here... a show that has -already- been created and aired on North American television... and has already paid for itself through advertisements and syndication... that requires -zero- translating and dubbing, and next to no marketing relative to a foreign show... can be sold for less. WEIRD! No, not really... if you had a brain in your head you'd understand... I know you can do it.
That's the last thing I'm typing in this thread because it's all very stupid.. and a lot of people just DON'T GET IT.. and will continue to NOT GET IT until they die an ignorant death at the age of stupid.
Oh we know how it works, we just let your dumb ass slave over buying R1 while we buy the cheap HK sets... again thank you for being a dumb rich mofo so we can buy cheap HK sets that don't support the R1 companies, You keep our anime flowing in.. i'll keep buying the fakes

and if there aren't enough people supporting R1 who the hell said I cared? There is enough anime already created to last me 10 years.
Slizerzak Wrote:Im stupid because i spend money on bills why you still live in your moms basement because you want to support your favorite companies. Go buy some stock then and shut the fuck up.
Actually, I live in -your- mom's basement... didn't you know, I'm your new "weekend daddy", junior!
Oh, hey Vicious... glad to see I'm not alone in seeing the new level of stupidity Slizerzak the clownshoes has brought to the forums. I may get a 3 day ban... but unlike Slizerak's retardation, that's something that will go away after time.
Blight Wrote:The point is that you don't need the anime, you just want it. End of the God Damn story.
THANK GOD PEOPLE UNDERSTAND! I'm not alone in the world after all!
balthier Wrote:There is enough anime already created to last me 10 years.
Then STFU and go watch it then!
Hey I have R1s and HK but I posted my opinion and got flamed for it, I don't have a problem with r1s or HK but I do have a problem with assholes who can't accept other peoples opinions and get all pissed off when someone says something they don't agree with. So maybe if you can control the assholes here people wouldn't argue so much.
See Rooster has no answer to why its smart to spend more money on anime so he just insults me.
Blight Wrote:The point is that you don't need the anime, you just want it. End of the God Damn story.
Want or Need... who the hell cares, the point is WE CHEAP MOFO's will get our anime for 1/10 of what you rich dipshits pay for it and nobody is gonna stop us from getting it.. not honk kong customs and not you.
You love your R1 companies so giv em all you got

I love R1 companies too for making dubs but I'm not gonna give em a goddam dime, sorry
I'd rather buy HK japanese langauge only sets then expensive R1 it's just NOT WORTH IT. And hearing things like 2 episodes per disc is just sick! A dvd can hold 13 episodes or 9 GOOD quality episodes and 2 episodes per disc for gantz? how fucking stupid do they think I am, like i would buy a $25 dvd with 2 freaking episodes, you goddam rich morons can buy it not me NEVER
Slizerzak Wrote:Hey I have R1s and HK but I posted my opinion and got flamed for it, I don't have a problem with r1s or HK but I do have a problem with assholes who can't accept other peoples opinions and get all pissed off when someone says something they don't agree with. So maybe if you can control the assholes here people wouldn't argue so much.
You didn't get flamed for your opinion, you got flamed for talking nonsense, not having a clue, and for backing up your "opinion" with all the debating prowess of a howler monkey. So, jugdish jr., learn how to grasp simple concepts and -then- come back... and you won't have to worry about being flamed so hard.
To everyone else, I'm out for the evening... see you later, or in three days, depending on how active the mods are feeling.

Hi Zag!
Someone do me a favour, and keep captain clownshoes in line while I'm out.
PS - In response to "See Rooster has no answer to why its smart to spend more money on anime so he just insults me."... I've answered that about 50 times in this thread, with more reasons than your mom's cooch has crabs... so why don't you spend the rest of the night reading and re-reading all those reasons until at least one of them sinks into your mongoloidian brain.
Blight Wrote:Then STFU and go watch it then!
I will
Now why don't you find someone else to vent your anger on ?

Slizerzak Wrote:Hey I have R1s and HK but I posted my opinion and got flamed for it, I don't have a problem with r1s or HK but I do have a problem with assholes who can't accept other peoples opinions and get all pissed off when someone says something they don't agree with. So maybe if you can control the assholes here people wouldn't argue so much.
See Rooster has no answer to why its smart to spend more money on anime so he just insults me.
Maybe, but the I'm in pretty much the same boat as you and when you start calling people stupid for wanting to support companies that you like then you have no room to point fingers at someone else for getting flamed and ?having respect for other peoples opinions.?