Yeah HK isn't good for the industry but if they want to compete they better lower there prices because I can get a r1 entire season of seinfeld for 40 dollars thats maybe 6 episodes of anime. Thats BS right there seinfeld rights is worth a hell of alot more then one anime so if they want to compete with HK they better start lowering there prices or giving us more episodes per DVD. Not everyone is rich enough to blow 100 dollars on one series of anime some people have bills to pay and 100 dollars is enough to usually pay electric bill for 2 months.So they better change there prices because they will never ever be able to stop HKers ever see anyone shut down all the P2P programs or stop mp3 sharing?
Oh lost cause of all lost causes... why do I bother? Everyone who keeps thinking -any- of the responsibility for HK popularity over R1 lies with the R1 companies just keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. Meanwhile, the rest of us who understand how the world works outside of crying over our incomes, will keep supporting the industry and keep the westernized anime around for the HK companies to rip off and sell to you.
You can't compare North American shows on DVD to anime shows on DVD... think -real- hard here... a show that has -already- been created and aired on North American television... and has already paid for itself through advertisements and syndication... that requires -zero- translating and dubbing, and next to no marketing relative to a foreign show... can be sold for less. WEIRD! No, not really... if you had a brain in your head you'd understand... I know you can do it.
That's the last thing I'm typing in this thread because it's all very stupid.. and a lot of people just DON'T GET IT.. and will continue to NOT GET IT until they die an ignorant death at the age of stupid.
r00ster Wrote:and will continue to NOT GET IT until they die an ignorant death at the age of stupid.
roflmao that just made my day

btw: would you mind giving me the names of those canadian anime ebay sellers?
So where stupid for not spending more money on a DVD instead of supporting ourselves because its our special obligation to make sure a company that charges more for their product will make it yeah just keep calling other people stupid. If a company charges more for the same product they won't make it thats how economics work its not the consumers obligation to make sure they make money its there obligation to make there product more affordable. And its not like there company is gonna die from not selling there R1s anyways (even tho im sure they sell alot) they get money from other means also TV contracts, Merchandise and sometimes advertising. And why are you defending R1s so much in a Hk orientated forum?
does this mean the FX set I requested won't be coming, or can JJ still get some stock?
Slizerzak Wrote:If a company charges more for the same product they won't make it thats how economics work its not the consumers obligation to make sure they make money its there obligation to make there product more affordable.
Are you even able to walk upright and chew gum at the same time? Apparently you aren't able to type and think at the same time... or else statements like that wouldn't show up in this thread.
It's not the same product... it's a product that the R1 companies have licensed, and then spent a fortune translating, dubbing, packaging, and marketing... and then the HK companies have STOLEN, packaged at lower quality, and sold at prices the R1 companies couldn't possibly sell their DVDs at without losing money.
Congratulations, you're the newest posterboy for not having a fucking clue on this forum.
..and I'm on this forum because, for the most part, it has a good anime fan-base, which has a lot of Canadians... and most people around here understand simple concepts like economics and copyrighted materials.
Fuckin' mook.
PS - Vegeta, I PM'd you with a list of some of the best Canadian anime dealers I've found on Ebay recently...
Manga Depot is definitely the best of the bunch, as they've always been willing to match or price things lower than, or other Canadian big-box retailers. They've always given me fair deals, and they're never bothered by requests for things they don't have currently listed but may have in stock.
Cattylogue is also phenomenal, though the selection is small and turns over frequently. You can currently get the Love Hina movies box set for a very good price, or all 3, officially licensed R1s of Slayers, Slayers Next and Slayers Try for $90 total... that's all three seasons.
LoL i dont have a clue? How the fuck is it not the same product if the HK companies stole it how is it not the same product because its not on the same DVD disc or in the same packaging. Do you work for some anime company or something becasue you really seem to want to buy there overpriced stuff.And if im the posterboy for not having a clue what goes on in this forum you must be a posterboy for wasting your money because you love those anime companies so much!
boring. R1 vs. HK. so boring. snore.... blah blah, prices, blah blah, morality, blah blah, I like pizza, blah blah...
Slizerzak Wrote:LoL i dont have a clue? How the fuck is it not the same product if the HK companies stole it how is it not the same product because its not on the same DVD disc or in the same packaging. Do you work for some anime company or something becasue you really seem to want to buy there overpriced stuff.And if im the posterboy for not having a clue what goes on in this forum you must be a posterboy for wasting your money because you love those anime companies so much!
Hmmm... 6-8 DVDs in jewel cases and high-quality art boxes, with inserts or booklets... Region 1. What do they do for HK? Same number of episodes... -at least- half as many DVDs 3-4... in a cheap gatefold set. Yep... sounds like the same quality product alright.
Why don't you do us all a favor and crawl back up your mom's ass before we all catch the stupid. Every time you type a response on here, your stock goes down another 20 IQ points...
3 day ban for me? Probably... but someone has to try and put smart ideas into the head of clownshoes here before he floats away.
Pizza sucks! Chinese all the way! Pizza is far too expensive for me... if they expect me to spend my hard earned squeegie money on pizzas, they better lower their prices! The market dictates it!
rarnom Wrote:boring. R1 vs. HK. so boring. snore.... blah blah, prices, blah blah, morality, blah blah, I like pizza, blah blah...
Pizza sucks! Chinese all the way! Pizza is far too expensive for me... if they expect me to spend my hard earned squeegie money on pizzas, they better lower their prices! The market dictates it!
rarnom Wrote:boring. R1 vs. HK. so boring. snore.... blah blah, prices, blah blah, morality, blah blah, I like pizza, blah blah...
ROFLMAO, Ha ha ha! I was skipping all that BS and saw this and god does my gut hurt now!

r00ster Wrote:Pizza sucks! Chinese all the way! Pizza is far too expensive for me... if they expect me to spend my hard earned squeegie money on pizzas, they better lower their prices! The market dictates it!
Come on man, I am really dedicated to pizza. I don't like anything but legit Pizza Hut, none of these cheap Pizza Hut ripoffs.
rarnom Wrote:Come on man, I am really dedicated to pizza. I don't like anything but legit Pizza Hut, none of these cheap Pizza Hut ripoffs.
They're not ripoffs! They're just highly immitated, more efficiently made sources of needed competition, used to keep the market in place! If PIZZA HUT WULD JUS REELIZE THAT THEY WULDNT CHERGE TO MUCH FOR SOMETHIN I CAN GET OUT OF THE DUMPSTER BEHIND 2-4-1 PIZZA FOR FREES!
r00ster Wrote:They're not ripoffs! They're just highly immitated, more efficiently made sources of needed competition, used to keep the market in place! If PIZZA HUT WULD JUS REELIZE THAT THEY WULDNT CHERGE TO MUCH FOR SOMETHIN I CAN GET OUT OF THE DUMPSTER BEHIND 2-4-1 PIZZA FOR FREES!
no way, I don't want none of those crappy gate-fold pizza boxes!!