Cidien Wrote:The Yu Yu dub really turned me off to it when I heard Kuwabara the first time. After a while though he really grew on me. I think his voice is really well done now.
And also, what I don't understand is why they sell the rights to any anime to 4 kids anymore. Sure they're getting money, but do they have no respect for their work?
I often think about the same thing. But I think in the end it has to do with the bottom line and that being the only thing on the publisher?s minds. Unfortunately, the artist and creators them selves lose a lot of rights to publishers. Of course that may not be the case this time. I would hope that any artist with control of the release rights or what ever would stop this from happening but we all get a little green eyed sometimes and there is even the possibility that he doesn't care what happens to it out side of it's original audience. I would still say the business side of things is the greatest influence but I can't confirm because I only got theories and are far too lazy to do research on the issue.
elcoholic Wrote:Now it seems its just another one of LE's dub bashing topics.
Basically. He lays low for a few months and then starts spewing the same crap again.
Last Exile Wrote:I said before I think a few of there VA's are talented for some titles but after you see different ones and they are using the same voice for different characters its hard to say they do a good job. I watched an interview of a VA from adv he was asked is it hard to play a few roles in different titles at a time. He said no and I thought it was funny cause the titles he referred to he was playing in were the same. I see this with all of ADV's titles. There are no differences in voice range all seem the same to me.
I'd love to know what VA and what DVD this extra was on. But since I'm sure it's a fabricated lie on his part as well as the fact that he has me on ignore

, I'll never get a response.
elcoholic Wrote:Damn this topic name had me worried. I was afraid it was the same news that befell OP not to long ago.
Now it seems its just another one of LE's dub bashing topics.
Ohh, and I love the YuYu Hakusho dub. Kuwabara is so over the top I love it. He cracks me up 
I love English Dub's i just cant stand some VA's like i bet a lot of you cant stand some too and most of them come from ADV. they take a lot of titles to not watchable in the english language and i guess some of you out there with some kind of crush on them just cant see through to the level im on of understanding. i was looking forward to One Piece and i saw it on fox from that studio 4 Kids Entertainment messed that show up those voices are so bad i cant stand them. i think in this case the Japanese dub is so much better. id rather read the sub titles on that like i did for excel saga, horrible dub.
Last Exile Wrote:I love English Dub's i just cant stand some VA's like i bet a lot of you cant stand some too and most of them come from ADV. they take a lot of titles to not watchable in the english language and i guess some of you out there with some kind of crush on them just cant see through to the level im on of understanding.
Hating a dub here or there is one thing. Stating you hate every dub ever done by a company, especially a company that consistently puts out some stellar dubs like ADD, just shows total bias and hatred.
Also, it's interesting how I just got a PM from LE. Guess I'm not really on his 'ignore list' after all.
i unblocked you to PM you that is all, some one told me what you said and i could not resist ill go back to they way it was before one more thing i dont hate all there Dub's i didnt say that did i who is making stuff up now huh? also a post way back on page one i didnt see your name after Rarnom's post i started replying to his question before your so no i was not answering your question and i didnt see it and will not see it again after this post.
i liked ADV's dubbs on:
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Angelic Layer (TV)
Aquarian Age - Sign for Evolution (TV)
Azumanga Daioh (TV)
Burn Up W (OAV)
D.N.Angel (TV)
Dai-Guard (TV)
Final Fantasy: Unlimited (TV)
Full Metal Panic! (TV)
Generator Gawl (TV)
Golden Boy
King of Bandit Jing (TV)
Kurau: Phantom Memory (TV) <---- Waiting to see if its good from (Studio Bones)
Martian Successor Nadesico
Mezzo (TV)
Monster Rancher (TV)
Nadesico: Prince of Darkness
Peacemaker (TV)
Power Stone (TV)
Pretear (TV)
Queen Emeraldas
Rahxephon: Pluralitas Concentio
Rune Soldier (TV)
Sister Princess (TV)
Sol Bianca (OAV)
Steel Angel Kurumi (TV)
Those Who Hunt Elves
Those Who Hunt Elves 2
You're Under Arrest
Zaion: I Wish You Were Here
Zone of the Enders
so thats all of there titles i like, its about maybe 25% of there titles. or less.
Edit* made something bigger so a blind man could see it. Vicious read what you want but in the past i have said i like few titles from them because they are from studios i like nothing to do with likeing ADV in general if you cant get that get glasses. these are the titles i could stand i left out 75% or more from my list cause they messed the dub's up. do you get that Vicious or do i have to have some one else explain it. now im glad to add you to the ignore list you are one of the worst readers i have ever seen you read what you want to hear and make that sound like what im saying. maybe thats your ADD you mentioned above or maybe above you just didnt spell the company you love so much right. its ADV not ADD.
So now you're saying you like 32 titles they've dubbed. But earlier you said they'd dub it and fuck it up. How can you like so many of their dubs and still say they'll mess up a dub?
He's an idiot.
"and i guess some of you out there with some kind of crush on them just cant see through to the level im on of understanding."
You're right. I hate kids. I really have a tough time coming down to their level of understanding to listen to some of the stupid crap that comes out of their mouths.
Now, why don't you go back to fantasyland and pen up a few more nonsensical ideas for your nonexistant company you're the CEO of.
Hahahaha. He's so retarded. He said 25%. I counted up the number of titles which was 32 and mentioned that number. He then got so confused that he had to go and make the 25% really big. I guess that was too many different numbers for his little brain to handle.
I've just started to watch the naruto that my buddy has and it would be unfortunate for foxkids to get a hold of it. I could see how a show with a very large cast that seems well suited for action figures and a card game interests them, of course the fact that a japanese nauto card game already exists thats even worse.
An edit job on naruto would be almost as bad as the edit on yu yu hakusho.
Adv would be a good choice to get the show as they are pretty reliable.
As far as them screweing up only two major cases come to mind in recent history.
The gantz release is ludicris
and the other is the dub of Abenobashi. I understand why they did the hick acents, but their terrible ones at that. The bad souther accents were just a cop out in my opinon, but its not that bad since you can listen in original jap also.
I would also not like to see funimation get the show as it would recieve the same treatment that dbz did. An absorbent abount of dvds with terrible dubbing. Plus the basic whoring out that it would entail.
LE is just comming off like a sub elitiest, and you know i realy thought we had gotten past all that since the advent of dvds.
As far as the Tv release the show will have to be dubed for it thats unavoidable.
The important thing is that it doesnt get butchered to be an Y7 show.
Cidien Wrote:He's an idiot.
"and i guess some of you out there with some kind of crush on them just cant see through to the level im on of understanding."
You're right. I hate kids. I really have a tough time coming down to their level of understanding to listen to some of the stupid crap that comes out of their mouths.
Now, why don't you go back to fantasyland and pen up a few more nonsensical ideas for your nonexistant company you're the CEO of.
dude your the fucking kid.
why would i share with you info on my company to show you its real and that i am a C.E.O. of it. there is no point to tell some one with ADD they are to stupid to understand. there would be no way in hell i would tell you about my company. so go off and make fun of me i know its real and the 25 people helping me know its real then i guess that makes it real F*ck Face. what have you done in your life that is important? nothing i asume cause your here ! im not here every day i wasent here for blocks at a time cause i have my company to work for . you would not understand that your to busy at daycare !
so i guess in this case you cant understand me cause your the child not on my level, i hate kids that cant read , this being you.
I want to see Naruto the series come to the US I have been waiting for so long. I hope a company gets the license to it soon, I bet it costs a lot of mula to get it though also it?s still an ongoing show. There are a lot of factors on the table before a show as big as this one can be bought or acquired by anyone.
If you haven?t seen it check it out. You can get volumes at HK stores like this one and also on ebay and other auction sites. It?s well worth it. Also this way if you see it before it comes over to the US you can see it unedited.
Last Exile Wrote:there would be no way in hell i would tell you about my company.
Than why bring it up in the first place
About the same actors thing. Its the same with all companies, hell all dubbed anime. The companies don't have hordes of (good) actors to choose from nor can they afford everyone they want like the disney guys. I think ADV just binded as many good VA's as they could so they're sure to have enough good actors whenever they want and probably for a good price instead of having to negociate a new contract everytime they want a VA's services. Just good business. Their the biggest US licensing company, you can't deny they got their shit together.
LE, haven't you realized that your ALONE with your stance about ADV? As in NOONE agrees with you but yet you still claim your right and we are wrong. You are allowed your opinion but stop trying to force it on people who already told you, many times, That they don't agree. Your single and only argument is your opinion and you won't be forcing it on anyone here anytime soon.
Ohh, I think we all agree 4kids sucks so we don't have to bring them up as long as they keep their hands of naruto.
If a dub is poor no one is pointing a gun at your head to watch it... Sure you can complain but i think some ppl go a bit overboard with the "bombing of their studios" etc. Bottom line is how important accuracy is to you. Is it important enough for you to learn japanese? Then you wouldn't need to rely on the US companies.
If poor translations, bad dub, dumbed down translations, etc are all you have to worry about, then you should probably be thankful for having a pretty good life.
ADV has their own in-house voice actors so it is natural that you will recognise a certain actor in more than one role.
Last Exile Wrote:dude your the fucking kid.
why would i share with you info on my company to show you its real and that i am a C.E.O. of it. there is no point to tell some one with ADD they are to stupid to understand. there would be no way in hell i would tell you about my company. so go off and make fun of me i know its real and the 25 people helping me know its real then i guess that makes it real F*ck Face. what have you done in your life that is important? nothing i asume cause your here ! im not here every day i wasent here for blocks at a time cause i have my company to work for . you would not understand that your to busy at daycare !
so i guess in this case you cant understand me cause your the child not on my level, i hate kids that cant read , this being you.
Nice comback kid. If you're not here every day how come you seem to be able to respond to comments as though you are here every day? Magic? Chances are i spend less time here than you do, but whatever.
Well, have fun in fantasyland with your company bossing around your teddy bears.
Is it really so hard for LE just to give us the
name of his "Company" and maybe some proof that he is indeed a "ceo"