just read this at a site :
Adult Swim anime programming director Kim Manning disclosed some of Adult Swim's anime plans for 2005 during a message board Q&A session on January 20.
Cartoon Network has acquired the rights to broadcast the remaining episodes of Inu Yasha (episodes 105-167) but no time-line for their broadcast was given.
Manning explained that Adult Swim has no plans to seek the USA TV rights to Naruto or the Fullmetal Alchemist movie. Also, she confirmed that, due to inadequate ratings, they won?t be acquiring any more episodes of Case Closed but will keep rerunning the 50 they have already shown. She said there are no plans for Adult Swim to produce a 3rd season of Big O, and that they have allowed the rights to Outlaw Star to expire. She also said they still plan to air the Metropolis anime movie, the first 2 Inu Yasha movies and the Cowboy Bebop movie this year. The Bebop movie is planned for this coming fall but she didn?t say when the other movies would run.
Sad Sad.
i would think they would be the first to get the rights because its so popular in japan. this is a shock to me. maybe they will change there minds...
just thought Naruto fans would like to hear this.
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Just Added:
Clarification Regarding Adult Swim Plans (2005-01-23 01:26:11)
Please note that Kim Manning stated that there are no plans yet to acquire TV rights for Naruto, the Full Metal Alchemist movie or Robotech. Regarding Naruto she added, "I think Naruto is an amazing series."
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I doubt it after all Cartoon Network were foolish enough to waste money on that trash Case Closed. They need to get a good license and keep that off the air for good...
What rights did they have pertaining to O/Star? Was it just to air the existing series?
So their not going to show Naruto on Adult Swim, why is this a bad thing. I dont want it to get licenced so I can watch the whole thing on fansubs, I dont have any tv let alone cable. Plus I really wouldnt want to see it in english.
CrayonShinChan Wrote:What rights did they have pertaining to O/Star? Was it just to air the existing series?
Yeah....Damn 10 charcters...
Cartoon Network now = dumbest company on the face of the earth. This may change, however, if another company gets the rights to Naruto and completely F's it up by giving them crappy voices and changing the PERFECT soundtrack to add crappy rap music or something. *cough tokyopop cough*
Still pissed about Initial D. I hope to God every person involved in brining Initial D to the U.S. goes bankrupt and has to work at mcdonalds to make a living. Obviously they're working in the wrong industry. Stupid people generally migrate to mcdonalds. I mean, where else can you pay for a service and only get half of what you ordered half the time! People who work fast food restaurants scare me sometimes with how stupid they are. But, now i'm just ranting. Just came back from a really crappy family get-together for my girlfriend. Everyone was tired and pissy - including me lol. Think shoveling 2-4 feet of snow wore everyone out today lol.
they are talking about TV rights. the rights to show titles like cowboy bebop. so now that they are droping there rights to Outlaw Star they can be bought by Fox or Anime Network and then can air on there stations.
also this just added:
Clarification Regarding Adult Swim Plans (2005-01-23 01:26:11)
Please note that Kim Manning stated that there are no plans yet to acquire TV rights for Naruto, the Full Metal Alchemist movie or Robotech. Regarding Naruto she added, "I think Naruto is an amazing series."
They must of upset some people with there previous comment.
so now we are back to the point we were at before no plans on Naruto coming to the US i want to see it but not in a bad way like FOX Kids or ADV getting the rights to it. they would fuck it up so bad i just know it.
Last Exile Wrote:i want to see it but not in a bad way like FOX Kids or ADV getting the rights to it. they would fuck it up so bad i just know it.
How can you even put those two companies in the same sentence? I still am trying to figure out why you hate ADV so much.
Please give me some specific examples why ADV is so bad.
Last Exile Wrote:i want to see it but not in a bad way like FOX Kids or ADV getting the rights to it. they would fuck it up so bad i just know it.
What has ADV fucked up in the past? I want examples. I can list off series for Fox kids, but what can you list for ADV that is soooooo horrible? Other than the fact that they didn't give you your non-existent job.

sorry im not getting into that again if you want to know how i feel use the search button and look for your answers. in this case i said them and FoxKids together cause they have some of the worse dubbing i have heard and it doesnt change they use the same VA's over and over. i know a lot of these companies do but they use like the same 3-5 people and they dont change the pitch in there voice or try and change it anyway so i feel they would not be suited well to have the rights to dubb Naruto. i want to see it done well not a half ass job.
If you cant see what im talking about you must be def. anyone can see that they dont do a good job at Voice acting they have the talent but they are worked to the bone and for each title they dont sound a bit diffrent.
That is whay ADV should not Dubb Naruto. and for FoxKids partner company (i forget there name) they have annoying VA's i cant stand to watch there shows. also they would edit Naruto to hell. or better but on the ANN.com forum :
"whatever dubbing company gets their grubby hands on it will anally violate it with a rake."
That is my response to your question.
How about you answer for me? I don't like dubs. So why should I avoid an ADV produced title? Help me understand.
do it mr. CEO.
Last Exile Wrote:in this case i said them and FoxKids together cause they have some of the worse dubbing i have heard and it doesnt change they use the same VA's over and over. i know a lot of these companies do but they use like the same 3-5 people and they dont change the pitch in there voice or try and change it anyway so i feel they would not be suited well to have the rights to dubb Naruto. i want to see it done well not a half ass job.
If you cant see what im talking about you must be def. anyone can see that they dont do a good job at Voice acting they have the talent but they are worked to the bone and for each title they dont sound a bit diffrent.
That is whay ADV should not Dubb Naruto. and for FoxKids partner company (i forget there name) they have annoying VA's i cant stand to watch there shows. also they would edit Naruto to hell. or better but on the ANN.com forum :
"whatever dubbing company gets their grubby hands on it will anally violate it with a rake."
That is my response to your question.
Zagatto - Prepare to hand out the ban.
You don't know jackshit about dubbing or what comprises a good dub. Just because you've heard the VA before does not make it a bad dub. All companies use the same VA's over and over again. But ADV, has alot of VA's. I can name at least 20 off the top of my head. And they have many many more than that. So your 3-5 is an obvious lie.
Kira and Luci (just to name a few) have some of the widest range of any VA's in the business. So how can you say they sound the same all the time? That's right, you don't even know who the hell they are. Chalk up another fabricated fact on your part.
Worked to the bone? You think they're forced to work there? Are you trying to call ADV slavedrivers? Every ADV VA I've ever spoken to has said nothing but good things about the company. And I almost forgot . . . aren't you the one crying on here about them not giving you a job? So looks like you wanted to work for them as well.
You're the one whose DEAF (notice the correct spelling). You wouldn't know a good dub if it bit you on your ass. You proved that with your last sentence:
"whatever dubbing company gets their grubby hands on it will anally violate it with a rake."
All that sentence does is show your ignorance towards dubs. Don't talk about shit you know nothing about. Doesn't really matter though since we all know you do nothing but make up lies anyways. Speaking of which, how's the company coming? I'm surprised a big CEO like you even has time to post on an anime forum like this one.
rarnom Wrote:How about you answer for me? I don't like dubs. So why should I avoid an ADV produced title? Help me understand.
do it mr. CEO.
that was an answer for you i didnt see visious reply after you had. also note* i still cant see any posts by vicious. and i know he is probally all over this topic. but hey i could care less these are my thoughts. you can choose to decide diffrently i could care less i know what i like and i can stand some titles from adv but only from the studios i know made the title they dubbed.
So, your main beef with them is about the dubs? got it then.
choice of titles as well but they are getting better im looking forward to there liscence of Kurau: Phantom Memory . Studio BONES is one of my favorites. they do a top notch job !
I hope it turns out well.
*looks like rarnom previous post got deleted...