Nina182B Wrote:Why do most people plan out their weddings a year or more later? Does it really take that long to make preparations? Giving everyone enough time to think about what gift to give?
Or maybe just enjoying the time that you're engaged?
But how exciting that you've picked the date!
Any special significance to that date?
This is an easy question for me to explain. It all has to do with scheduling services.
First consideration you have to make is what sort of service you want. Many churches are booked solid for at least a year into the future. That alone can have a significant impact on the date of the ceremony.
Then you have to book a hall, a caterer, a cake maker, a photographer (that's me), a limo, a florist and I'm sure there are a few other things to consider as well.
Once you've got your plans worked out you have to figure the budget for the whole thing.
Can't forget the horribly slow turn around time in getting custom invitations made and mailed out... that can be six months by itself...
Of course you can forgoe all that, drive to Vegas and be married on the morrow...
Zagatto is right on the money. Akane is the oldest in her family and I am in mine as well. So this is the first wedding for both are parents. The biggest reason for the date in my book is I wanted are wedding to be between are birthdays. I was born April 21st and she was born Sept 13th. So we were looking at a July wedding. But July is the busiest month for weddings up north. So we took the first week of August.
Another big factor is that since we are both in the military and a godd portion of are friends are as well. We have to set a date pretty far out so that people like Schultz and Ka-Trilla can ask for the time off. Then there is the parent effect. This is a pain sometimes. This is really Akane's day, and anything she wants I will give her or put up with because this is her day. (mine as well, but she is charge make no mistake.) She has to manage her parents influnce in the wedding as well as her own desires. But her parents are so great that it is rare problem if ever.
Well I will keep you all up to date. AKane is in Minnisota with her parents right now looking at a few places and I know for a fact that she has picked her wedding dress and the brides maid dress up to this point. i need help deciding on a tux any suggestions...?
wowsers i feel a giddy with excitement for you guys
and your damn straight im Happosai
*do i smell pantsu*
Well just got word that the date of the wedding is now August 13th. The reason for the change is so Akane could good get the church and recption hall she wanted. I have also picked out my tux.
There is the link we are going with the black. I also do not get to wear the chain in the wedding or the pictures. But I get to wear the hat, I am looking at getting a fedora or a Golden Gate style hat. Every member of my best men will have a hat from the 50's. This is going to be sweet.
That's so sexy Morgy! Is Akane going 50's too? Or is it just the guys? That would be so cool!
I'm guessing Akane didn't go for the cosplay wedding then? :p
50's style wedding wo0t
lovin it! now thats stylish with that pinash i refer to as class
man you guys are gonna have a blast...again im soo happy for you guys
that reminds me my friends older bro is getting married soon and we are
think of goin Prague for the stag
60pence Pints

Man I tell you the more she shows me the more I am getting into the planning and set up and everything. We are signing up for dance lessons so we can waltz and swing on our wedding day. So much fun stuff so little time or so her mom
hmmmmm Morgy the "WEDDING PLANNER"
enjoy the waltzing