Well no children in the near future, but.... maybe in a couple of years. Anyways about the cospaly wedding... idon't know... i jsut am not into it as much as morgy is...but if he wants it...ok........whatever...and that whole 60-40 thing with the house...he is totally wrong..... but i will keep him thinking he does that much work at the house

Anyways thahnk you all for your support on our engagment it makes me feel great... thanxs Ka-Talliya.....

Congrats morgorath and Akane. Good luck to both of you!
Hey guys & gals... Thanks for all the kind words. I haven't been this happy in my life in a very long time. I hope that you all will accept an invitation to either are formal or cosplay (if I get my way we will have both) wedding. Also as a treat for all the gals we updated the website and there are some new pictures of Akane and Myself. There is also a close up of the engagment ring. Take a look please...
You know what's apparent from some of those pics on that site? Morg's lost weight since he's joined the military. It looks like he's dropped about 15 lbs.
Vicious Wrote:You know what's apparent from some of those pics on that site? Morg's lost weight since he's joined the military. It looks like he's dropped about 15 lbs.
Well bro you have an acute eye for cetail, but in this case I have a friend hosting the pictures of the engagment at this time. So all of the pictures outside of the Album titled David & Tawnya are pics of him (Brian). He is a great guy and is a wiz kid when it comes to pictures and the things he can do with a power mac is ungodly. But I did lose 10lbd when I first joined then after becoming a fire fighter I got stronger and now weigh 182. (thanks to Iraq) also Brian says he has gained almost 60 pounds since joining. He has been in for 11 years though.
I like the pic were Akane is laughing and Morgo's making a weird face. Just shows how happy you guys are

Cosplay wedding... what an interesting idea! I've heard of people having ceremonies in online games that they play and this sounds similar. Morgo, it's cool seeing your 'cast pic' of characters and who should cosplay.
morgorath Wrote:Well bro you have an acute eye for cetail, but in this case I have a friend hosting the pictures of the engagment at this time. So all of the pictures outside of the Album titled David & Tawnya are pics of him (Brian).
That would explain why I thought the heavier pics of you (Brian) looked alot more like one of the friends in your engagement pics than you.
Nina182B Wrote:I've heard of people having ceremonies in online games that they play and this sounds similar.
Yeah, they do that in Final Fantasy XI. I have yet to see one though.
morgorath Wrote:well here is what I think some people would show up as... (preface: I am limiting it to the Cast of Ranma 1/2 only although I am sure you would come as someone from a different series.)
Morgy: Ryouga Hibiki
Akane: Akari Unryuu or
Ukyo (or Ukyou) Kuonji (could be Akane but not her style, more Lina Inverse)
Schultz: Mousse
Ka-TAlliya: Shampoo
Vicious: Ryuu Kumon http://www.animeinfo.org/featured/ranma/...umonn.html
or Pantyhose Tarou both are Vicious to a "T" Tarou more that Ryuu
Zagatto: Soun Tendo
Junkie Joe: Genma Saotoma
JJ Wife: Nodoka Saotome
Kakoi: Jusenkyo Guide
Andromeda18_: Rouge http://www.animeinfo.org/featured/ranma/...rouge.html
Nina182B: Kasumi Tendo
Batik: Natsume or Akane
LSI: Kodachi Kuno
That's all I can put down for now. But i think it would be a smash if this happened. But I first have to go through the big (real) wedding. This would be an after thought.
hmmm looks like i wont be invited

guess i'll just be a waiter for you all in the wedding reception

rav96 Wrote:hmmm looks like i wont be invited
guess i'll just be a waiter for you all in the wedding reception 
I'm sorry Happosai I mean rav96 of course you are invited. Just remeber that every one is supose to have a chance to catch the garder when I throw it...
Oh and for everyone's FYI the wedding date has been set for August 6th 2005.
You guys are going to be so happy!!! (As if this hasn't been said enough) Congradulations! Go get 'em tiger

Why do most people plan out their weddings a year or more later? Does it really take that long to make preparations? Giving everyone enough time to think about what gift to give?

Or maybe just enjoying the time that you're engaged?
But how exciting that you've picked the date!

Any special significance to that date?
Oooh wow! <3
Congratulations to both of you..!
You two look really happy togather too.
Lol, Rav, you're not alone. I can be a waitress. XD