Wow, what great news

Congratulations to both of you. Morgorath, you look so handsome in the picture. And what a pretty hairdo Akane you look happy (were you suprised?)
I did notice in the pic that Morg has more stripes and bars and stuff than Akane on his uniform.
Congratulations and wish you many years of happiness.
CONGRATULATIONS to both of you
you take good care of one another you hears...
love the picture and how romantic of you for doin the knee thing
I wish you both many years of happiness to come
be strong for each other through the good times and bad
All the Best *Big Hug*

When are you two coming to visit?!?! I can't wait.
Great picture! Akane, you looked wonderful. Morgy, you looked...SSgt-ish. HAHA!!!
Congratulations again to you both!!

lol didnt find this thread until now.

I wish you two all the happiness in the world!

so cute, so cute, you guys look adorable, I wish you guys all the happiness and lots of anime for wedding gifts
Now, I expect my invitation in the mail - email that is

Morg, be sure to have a 100 kidz!!!
Well all of you are very sweet and I am soooooo happy with what did happen on thursday.... well now I guess it is my turn to tell what happened that night...... well here it goes
I had my hair done and nails done this day because I was going to Morgy's Graduation and I wanted to look very pretty..... anyways so all day I was with one of my friends and getting everything done and we finally get to dinner...which is very fancy..I had to be in my blue's and everything which you guys can see in the pics I will be posting anyways.... I looked hot :p But I noticed that on my setting my dessert was not sitting there..... but everyone else had their dessert..... I did not think a lot of it.... i will ask when dessert time comes around.... Anyways Morgy went up and sang the National Anthem.. which was very good... I loved it then the ceremony proceeded and we ate dinner and after dinner I wanted my pumpkin pie.... so I asked for it... Well the whole serving staff was female and they knew what Morgy was up too.....well Morgy asked the server's to give me my pie and around the pie it read "Would you marry a fool?" And I read it looked to my right to find Morgy did not see him and I turned back around and there he was on his knee with the ring in his hand.....AND EVERYBODY WATCHING. I had to give an answer...... with my blubbering and crying I said yes...... with makeup running down my face I became engaged and now we are going to get married....... soon we do not hae a date yet..... but we willl soon...... I LOVE HIM
Go to David proposes to Tawnya..... that is where all the pics are of the proposal
Morgorath that's very creative gotta give you credit for that...
Puppet Master Wrote:Morgorath that's very creative gotta give you credit for that...
And very romantic!
You guys look great in those pics. You're really beautiful Akane!
Vicious Wrote:Congrats.
I did notice in the pic that Morg has more stripes and bars and stuff than Akane on his uniform.
Yes my friend I out rank Akane in the military but at the house well let's just say we have a 60-40 relationship. I do 60% of the work and get 40% control of the house... just kidding. I believe we do things the right way and comunicate are diffs and mistakes very well.
I am glad you all aprove... maybe I will have a cosplay wedding for all of us (on the board) after the real church wedding or-deal... lol