manga that usually revolves around love stories and female protagonists
and can be lesbian in nature
it usually intended for girls...
But nobody governs what i READ!!!
apart from Arnold
*all hail the Governator*
rav96 Wrote:manga that usually revolves around love stories and female protagonists
and can be lesbian in nature
it usually intended for girls...
But nobody governs what i READ!!!
apart from Arnold
*all hail the Governator*
Ah I see, and yes all hail the governator.
rav96 Wrote:manga that usually revolves around love stories and female protagonists
and can be lesbian in nature
it usually intended for girls...
But nobody governs what i READ!!!
apart from Arnold
*all hail the Governator*
It also revolves around beautiful men! :p
oh so pretty lovely men that you could mistake for women

Anybody know how where to seek help? I just want to ask before Ryujin replies to my
post in The reason to own a gamecube. LOL
I am 16 I will kill you if you tried to hit me. Do you know the reason why parents stop hitting there children? It's because when a child is 16 it's ass kicking time! :mad: Lets see 12,13,14,15 parent hits you. But when you reach 16 you are no longer weak! You are at your prime! One of you try's to hit me with a broom I won't only kill you I'll make you surffer for a Very! VERY! Long time!
Do you somehow think your better than me because your older?The ARROGANCE! I give a certain amount of respect to my parents but when they are wrong I will tell them to fuck off! I won't show special treatment to anyone!
The children you are talking about are generaly SCUM BAGS! You can't help them! They have no morals. They won't show mercy to you! They will smash your windows, attack you in groups and won't care if you die! The reason that they are scum bags is because there parents are scum bags simple! An asshole has the potential to become a good person but no one usually help's them.
If a child is wearing what a sult wears then you should really be concered about the parent's lack of control! Most children need to find something to associate with so they become sheep to the latest trend. Others want to became indiviual and become goths but they just join all the other goths which defeats the purpose of individuality.
You have too find a proper way to desipline your children but try to make it non physical.
Simply put a child is an intelligent being but you keep treating it like an idiot so it becomes an idiot. The lesson that you have all learned today is
* you turn your children into idiots
* Scum Bags will always be Scum Bags
* You don't know how to disipline your children properly
* You phyicaly attack your children because your bigger than them.
* 16 Year-Olds can defend themself's.
* A small amount of respect is mandatory but if you try to abuse that respect you become arrogant. True respect is earned!
I hope you have all become a little less ignorant. If not then you don't deserve to become parents!