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Don't hold back DO... tell us what you really think.
I agree that beating a child is wrong, but I think spanking is ok if its not with too much force.
Yeah I was raised on whippin's. Good thing too, you guys think I'm a bastard as is, just think if I was raised like the pussies we have these days. THANK GOD IN HEAVEN for whippings, I might have been one of the losers you see that hang out at Taco Bell standing in front of their car talking about how they got some STD from their skank girlfriend who is only dating the loser she's with cause he has spinners. Fuckin' pieces of shit. I hate people!
you dont need to beat children to tell em something they are doin is wrong but sometimes a firm hand maybe neccesary! BUT HITTING KIDS IS PLAIN OL' MESSED UP

i used to be abit of a tearaway back in the day when i was very young my mom never really beat me just slapped me once in a while the most effective thing was that shed give me a red hot chilli pepper to eat if i was being an ass... it was so effective it wooped the deliquan outta me and it doesnt use violence

Wo0t Chillis
DARK OSAMU Wrote:For THOUSANDS of years people have disciplined their kids with swithches and belts and NOW it's wrong???

What I'm about to say has nothing to do with spanking children, I'm talking about things in a general way.
Just because people have been doing things for thousands of years it doesn't mean what they're doing is right. People did human sacrifices for centuries. Are you telling me that just because it was done for centuries it's right and we should keep doing it?
i think, depending on how it's done, psychological punishment can be a lot more detrimental to a childs sanity than physical punishment. so whose to say that spanking kids is so wrong and making a child feel unloved or worthless is better?
I totally agree...I came from an old fashioned family of spanking and such but as far as i can remember I only got it twice in my childhood. Letting your kids know that you love them and that they are important is a better solution than spanking (although it is still kinda useful on a case to case basis). I mean as a result they will be more afraid of losing the love of their parents instead of being afraid of spanking. So spending more time with kids is basically the best solution to this problem.

Homeless Joe Wrote:i think, depending on how it's done, psychological punishment can be a lot more detrimental to a childs sanity than physical punishment. so whose to say that spanking kids is so wrong and making a child feel unloved or worthless is better?
I think, as some of you have said above, it's all about balance. Beating a child is absolutely out of the question, a child should never actually FEAR their parent. But physical punishment is definitely an acceptable form of discipline. When I was spanked as a child, my parents always made sure they hugged me afterward and had me tell them what I did wrong, apologize for it and then they would try and tell me a joke or play a game with me to cheer me up and show me that they loved me. I didn't get disciplined often when I was young because I was the quiet child, but I made up for as a teen... Big Grin Just ask Ka-Ta. :p Anyways, physical discipline can help show a child that the "fun" bad thing they're doing isn't so fun when their butt ends up hurting. But like I said, a balance of discipline and love really, in my opinion, is the best way to raise a child.
hey peoples,
being a 15 guy myself i just figured i might as well add my opinion.
Yes i do agree that many of us teens are a little out of hand. but that in no way goes for all of us. I dont, but many of my friends do drugs, that doesn't make them hopeless, or stupid. many of them are great people. just because a person does drugs, doesn't make them a bad person. I have one friend who is pretty much a lost cause, however, he is still a good person,(just a little confused), although i can see by looking at him how adults can make assumptions about teens. I have another friend who has all sorts of problems at home and uses drugs as a way to get away from it all. he isnt stupid, in fact he is one of the smartest and most creative people i know. He just needs to put his creativity towards something a little more useful lol.

As for the spanking issue. I personally have nothing against spanking, so long as parents dont use too much force. As many have said before, beating children is totally wrong, and no body should live in fear of thier children. but children do need to be kept in line, and i have nothing against a swift smack in the ass, it when u cross the line that i have the problem.

Now, as for teens being arrogant. shure, we can be arrogant at times but that doesn't make us totally disrespectful. sure there are many disrespectful teens, I know some people who have gone up to teachers and told them to "fuck off" right to their face. However, they have only done things like these when people/ teachers have pissed them off first. most teens dont do things without a reason. Although i do agree that some people are pretty disrespectful without a reason, the majority of all teens are not.

Now to move on to the way teens dress... Me being a guy, i generally dont have a problem with the way people dress. The only reason i would object to the way someone is dressing is if they are way too young, or if they are wearing (or not wearing for that matter), something way over the top. I do agree that young people should not be dressing like prostitutes, but past a certain point, people should be able to dress the way they want. Many girls at my school wear mini skirts, tight shirts, etc... and if they want to dress like that i have no problem with it. I start to have a problem when they start to wear the extremely short skirts and showing off wayyyyyy to much.

Now about the issue of irrisponsible parents. I personally do not believe that if a kid is an idiot (i would use other words but i dont wanna get banned) that it is the parents fault. My druggie friend (who i mentioned above), has responisble parents, both of them are teachers. They cried when he told them that he was gonna drop out in may (when he turns 16). it is not their fault that he is deciding to be a moron and wreck his life. However, i also believe that irrisponsible parents do have a major effect on parents. my other druggie friend (the creative one), has all sorts of trouble at home, and as i said before, he uses drugs as a way to get away from it all.

Well i think im gonna end it for now cause i seem to have gone a little overboard. and please excuse my horrible grammar/punctuation. Big Grin
vegeta76 Wrote:hey peoples,
being a 15 guy myself i just figured i might as well add my opinion.
Yes i do agree that many of us teens are a little out of hand. but that in no way goes for all of us. I dont, but many of my friends do drugs, that doesn't make them hopeless, or stupid. many of them are great people. just because a person does drugs, doesn't make them a bad person. I have one friend who is pretty much a lost cause, however, he is still a good person,(just a little confused), although i can see by looking at him how adults can make assumptions about teens. I have another friend who has all sorts of problems at home and uses drugs as a way to get away from it all. he isnt stupid, in fact he is one of the smartest and most creative people i know. He just needs to put his creativity towards something a little more useful lol.

It's true that doing drugs doesn't mean a person's bad or stupid. It does mean, in my opinion, that they're weak. It's just like your friend who has a lot of trouble at home, he uses drugs to get away from it all because he isn't strong enough to deal with it. And trust me, I'm speaking from experience, I had a fucked up life with lot's of problems but I was always strong enough to face them, in fact it's because of all I went through that I'm strong and don't run away from things. I never used drugs, despite of everything and I perceive people like your friend as being utterly weak. I believe you when you say he's a great person but people either get into drugs because they can't deal with their problems or peer pressure or because they are just plain stupid (which doesn't mean they're not intelligent in a general way).

vegeta76 Wrote:Now, as for teens being arrogant. shure, we can be arrogant at times but that doesn't make us totally disrespectful. sure there are many disrespectful teens, I know some people who have gone up to teachers and told them to "fuck off" right to their face. However, they have only done things like these when people/ teachers have pissed them off first. most teens dont do things without a reason. Although i do agree that some people are pretty disrespectful without a reason, the majority of all teens are not.

You don't need to be a teen to be arrogant and there are many teens who aren't arrogant. However, when you say that 'most teens don't do things without a reason' that's true and it's not. It's a fact that people's brain isn't fully formed until the age of 18 and the emotions' center is the first one to be formed. Because the emotions' center is first one to be formed it isn't controlled by the other parts of the brain which are still in formation. That's why teens have exagerated reactions to almost everything. So yeah, you probably have a reason to do something but you overreact to it which is why people say you're disrespectful. And believe me, I was a teen not so long ago and I remember perfectly what it was like, when you get past your teens you'll notice the difference even if now you can't understand what I'm talking about.

vegeta76 Wrote:Many girls at my school wear mini skirts, tight shirts, etc... and if they want to dress like that i have no problem with it.

Of course you don't. :p

vegeta76 Wrote:Now about the issue of irrisponsible parents. I personally do not believe that if a kid is an idiot (i would use other words but i dont wanna get banned) that it is the parents fault. My druggie friend (who i mentioned above), has responisble parents, both of them are teachers. They cried when he told them that he was gonna drop out in may (when he turns 16). it is not their fault that he is deciding to be a moron and wreck his life. However, i also believe that irrisponsible parents do have a major effect on parents. my other druggie friend (the creative one), has all sorts of trouble at home, and as i said before, he uses drugs as a way to get away from it all.

When a child is born he/she is like an book without anything written in it. The child will be molded by the sorrounding environment and the parents play a crucial role. If a 14 year old acts like an idiot it's not the parents' fault, it's natural of teens to sometimes act like idiots but what we're talking about here goes beyond that. We're talking about serious problems that didn't exist some decades ago which means that something changed. Parents nowadays allow children everything and overprotect them, because of that they turn out to be a bunch of spoiled brats that nobody can put up with. That is indeed the parents' fault!
Andromeda18_ Wrote:It's true that doing drugs doesn't mean a person's bad or stupid. It does mean, in my opinion, that they're weak. It's just like your friend who has a lot of trouble at home, he uses drugs to get away from it all because he isn't strong enough to deal with it. And trust me, I'm speaking from experience, I had a fucked up life with lot's of problems but I was always strong enough to face them, in fact it's because of all I went through that I'm strong and don't run away from things. I never used drugs, despite of everything and I perceive people like your friend as being utterly weak. I believe you when you say he's a great person but people either get into drugs because they can't deal with their problems or peer pressure or because they are just plain stupid (which doesn't mean they're not intelligent in a general way).
so your saying i'm either weak or stupid if i smoke a little marijuana every now and then?
Homeless Joe Wrote:so your saying i'm either weak or stupid if i smoke a little marijuana every now and then?

I was talking about drugs that cause addiction and fry a person's brain.
i dont know but sometimes you have to get high to get by...
coward way but a way none the less..esp when all you are doing is searching in the dark

ive been through my fair shit in life and had my bumpy path with drugs and liqour but look at me now im doin a f*ckin masters degree (make that trying :p)

the hardest thing in life when its been rough is learning to love yourself
i agree with pretty much everything u said except for the part of my friend being weak. he doesn't just do drugs to get away from everything, he also does it cause his mom doesn't really give a damn about what he does, plus his older brother has mental issues and does more serious drugs than my friend does, so my friend finds his own things to do.
plus, how the hell do u deal with living in a fucked up home? i cant really blame my friend for what he does, cause compared to the rest of his family, hes a pretty amazing guy.

anywho... thats just what i think :confused:

btw: how do u know all that stuff about the brain????
vegeta76 Wrote:btw: how do u know all that stuff about the brain????

easy its called look it up or watch a TV prog on it :p

btw i was never a disrespectfull Teen i was the guy that all the other kids parents said to there kids to be like..i was very supressed and down trotten growing up.. my parents had an arranged marraige and arguements have always been aplenty as well as the ruininng of my moms life..but growing up i was maybe even sheltered to an extent in some aspects... most people assume your life was always happy when you are an "A" grade student as a kid...but most people in harsh home environments turn to drugs etc and deliquancy... where as others turn to things to try and get merit and worth..ultimately praise to fill the void like i did back then...
attention is what you seeked be it via the police via deliquancy or teachers via grades Wink

may be thats why now im goin through a more unstable patch instead of being at it in my teens...emotional development differs genetically but the environment has the largest impact...just look at seperated twin they are freakliy similar yet different. You can be matured at an age far beyond your years and then later becom immature at points trying to reclaim the youth you lost...maybe thats why i like "cartoons" more now than while growing up :p

the scars will always remain but they heal with age, im glad to hear people like Andromeda18_ kept afloat and strong through adversity...but you can have the strength in exterior yet be weak on the inside. ive made my mistakes in my moments of weakness (maybe even self pitty at times no make that self hate - its what scars the most) but ultimately its what makes you stronger but then maybe even cold... its hard reopening yourself up to vunerability then being stabbed many a times..."TRUE FRIENDS STAB YOU IN THE FRONT" remember that people. its hard to have your self esteem up even if you show it as a front..where most peole think yeah this kids got it good and is self confident..little do they know its mainly a front and they cant open up to people nowwaday as the guard has become so high..when you finally do... its gonna be hard and a mentally unstable ride...thats when you wake up one morning and realise youve turned iinto a freaken EMO kid :p

Life was never has to be worked at and then conquered
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