11-10-2004, 01:55 PM
11-10-2004, 02:14 PM
WandererX12 Wrote:I think so, but different tastes allow people to discover different things. Don't worry about it. The Clash & the Sex Pistols are old punk bands, that inspired more punk bands. They are important for their genre, and because of that somewhat important to the history of music as a whole, but not Beatles or Elvis important. Outside of that, they don't matter.
Ah thats why. I've listened to most types of music and liked it but I have never listened to
punk. Though have always wanted to I just never got the chance. Which reminds me I
need to get some James Brown music maybe even some more Guns and Roses. Ah well.
11-11-2004, 07:20 AM
It started out O.K., but this is a depressing thread. As soon as I read about Andromeda18_ I felt disheartened cause I can relate. My ?biological father? as I refer to him beat my mom; I?d kill the SOB but don?t know where he is. I got lucky though because my mom remarried and my dad, who legally adopted me, is a great guy, and I?m proud to carry the ?Wilkerson? flag rather than ?Shy?.
I think a lot of problems with kids are that they don?t have positive role models. There is a good chance if that bastard had raised me all the way I would be a monster like him. Instead, I so adamantly refuse to touch a girl in any aggressive manor that I?ve got stabbed for it (though she was a crazy bitch
). Parents need to take some responsibility not because if they mess up their kids will be screwed up but because a lot of parents just don?t realize the command they have. They get to sculpt a life and that is a powerful thing. Setting limits is a big problem; a lot of parents give in because they are afraid of confrontation and don?t want to fight with them. Limits need to be set when they?re young so that a mind set is developed of what is acceptable and what is not. Communication is what?s most important though. You got to wonder why the parents of those Columbine kids didn?t know what was going on before hand. The answer is as simple as they didn?t talk to their kids, didn?t know what was going on in their lives, and couldn?t share their pain. Kids and teens will never just come up and ask for advice or volunteer what they?re information on themselves. All of this stuff is the reason why the idea of me being a parent is terrifying; I couldn?t to it. I am no where near strong enough to be a parent yet so Zagatto?s plan of get a license sounds like a great idea to me.
All that proves being a parents isn?t easy and even if you?re a good one some things just get neglected. I?ve seen tons of kids that are genuinely assholes just because they can be and are perfect angels around their parents and other adults, so a problem seemingly doesn?t exists for them. Then there are the kids that just seem to hate everything and don?t give a care about anything. They attack (verbally rather than physically, most of the time) teachers, other kids and even their parents. I think there is a universal decrease in respect for people that are older than them, or just all other people collectively. When I was a freshmen on the baseball team in high school I did everything the seniors told me to, they could have asked me to clean a toilet and I probably would have but, by the time I was a junior none of the freshmen even wanted to pickup equipment after a game. They all had smart mouths, were thieves (stole peoples drinks and sunflower seeds all the time), and didn?t even respect the coach just because they weren?t getting to play. Really pissed me off! So, not every thing a kid does is a result of a mishap by his folks, some can just be uniquely despicable.
As for the whole spanking thing, yah I think swats are a punishment that has a significant impact on the thoughts of a person. You either think, ?Well, if I get caught I?ll only be grounded for a little while? or, ?If I get caught it?s an ass beating? which do you think they are going to think about more, the time they spent at home playing video games or surfing the net. The butt warming usually sticks in there a little better (though I typically got both). There is an obvious line between abuse and spanking so there should be no problem with punishing an ill behaved and especially a defiant child that way. Sometimes it?s the only thing that works. If I just got grounded it never worked on me, I could be a real stubborn shit on occasion and going to my room was planning my next move. But I always knew my parents were really pissed when I got a swat and I just gave up. (Ha ha ha, it?s funny to think about all the stuff I pulled.
I think a lot of problems with kids are that they don?t have positive role models. There is a good chance if that bastard had raised me all the way I would be a monster like him. Instead, I so adamantly refuse to touch a girl in any aggressive manor that I?ve got stabbed for it (though she was a crazy bitch

All that proves being a parents isn?t easy and even if you?re a good one some things just get neglected. I?ve seen tons of kids that are genuinely assholes just because they can be and are perfect angels around their parents and other adults, so a problem seemingly doesn?t exists for them. Then there are the kids that just seem to hate everything and don?t give a care about anything. They attack (verbally rather than physically, most of the time) teachers, other kids and even their parents. I think there is a universal decrease in respect for people that are older than them, or just all other people collectively. When I was a freshmen on the baseball team in high school I did everything the seniors told me to, they could have asked me to clean a toilet and I probably would have but, by the time I was a junior none of the freshmen even wanted to pickup equipment after a game. They all had smart mouths, were thieves (stole peoples drinks and sunflower seeds all the time), and didn?t even respect the coach just because they weren?t getting to play. Really pissed me off! So, not every thing a kid does is a result of a mishap by his folks, some can just be uniquely despicable.
As for the whole spanking thing, yah I think swats are a punishment that has a significant impact on the thoughts of a person. You either think, ?Well, if I get caught I?ll only be grounded for a little while? or, ?If I get caught it?s an ass beating? which do you think they are going to think about more, the time they spent at home playing video games or surfing the net. The butt warming usually sticks in there a little better (though I typically got both). There is an obvious line between abuse and spanking so there should be no problem with punishing an ill behaved and especially a defiant child that way. Sometimes it?s the only thing that works. If I just got grounded it never worked on me, I could be a real stubborn shit on occasion and going to my room was planning my next move. But I always knew my parents were really pissed when I got a swat and I just gave up. (Ha ha ha, it?s funny to think about all the stuff I pulled.

11-11-2004, 10:28 AM
Blight Wrote:All that proves being a parents isn?t easy and even if you?re a good one some things just get neglected. I?ve seen tons of kids that are genuinely assholes just because they can be and are perfect angels around their parents and other adults, so a problem seemingly doesn?t exists for them.
I think that parents are naturally naive! Every kid, particularly when they're younger, behaves like an angel when near adults but like a devil when away from them. This is actually common knowledge but as soon as an adult becomes a parent it's like that knowledge no longer exists.

Blight Wrote:As for the whole spanking thing, yah I think swats are a punishment that has a significant impact on the thoughts of a person. You either think, ?Well, if I get caught I?ll only be grounded for a little while? or, ?If I get caught it?s an ass beating? which do you think they are going to think about more, the time they spent at home playing video games or surfing the net. The butt warming usually sticks in there a little better (though I typically got both).
I think that's true only to a certain extent. Kids can get used to swats or not care at all, the pain only lasts for a moment after all. Now try taking their games away for 2/3 weeks. A good punishment will always be more appropriate.
11-11-2004, 12:21 PM
Yah you're right eventually punishments get old and you have to rotate, save swats for the more severe stuff and groundings for the less and both when they really mess up. I remember my parents getting really creative at times. Once they gave me a choice between two punishments of which one I wanted then gave me the other. It?s pretty funny and effective now that I think about it.
11-11-2004, 12:37 PM
Blight Wrote:Yah you're right eventually punishments get old and you have to rotate, save swats for the more severe stuff and groundings for the less and both when they really mess up. I remember my parents getting really creative at times. Once they gave me a choice between two punishments of which one I wanted then gave me the other. It?s pretty funny and effective now that I think about it.
LMAO That really is creative...What choices did they have you anyways? But groundings arent always effective becuase a friend of mine was grounded for the majority of his life that I know of and it didnt change anything because he didnt care.
11-11-2004, 12:42 PM
Puppet Master Wrote:LMAO That really is creative...What choices did they have you anyways? But groundings arent always effective becuase a friend of mine was grounded for the majority of his life that I know of and it didnt change anything because he didnt care.
It was during the summer and I could either permanently lose my air hockey table and a couple other toys or have to spend three solid days in my room (with all my toys taken away). I could go to the bathroom and eat though. I chose to lose the stuff and got stuck in my room for three days.
11-11-2004, 04:22 PM
Yout could just go to whitepages.com and find where your father lives blight.
11-12-2004, 09:54 AM
Trust me I?ve thought about it, but I think he?s on the other side of the country, Wyoming or something, and if I drove all the way there I might really kill his ass.
11-12-2004, 11:50 AM
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I think that parents are naturally naive! Every kid, particularly when they're younger, behaves like an angel when near adults but like a devil when away from them. This is actually common knowledge but as soon as an adult becomes a parent it's like that knowledge no longer exists..
I was thinking about this and yes parents can be incredibly naive, but it's not that they forget about this common knowledge, it is probably more about denial. They say ?My kid would never?? and such. Parents typically think well of their kids and since that is the proper way to think it can be taken advantage of. Like my littler sister has already learned to try to pass the buck to some one else when she is in trouble but since it is my parents third child they know how to deal with it by making her take responsibility for what she does. I guess you form some kind of balance between total suspicion and total faith.
11-12-2004, 12:12 PM
Blight Wrote:I was thinking about this and yes parents can be incredibly naive, but it's not that they forget about this common knowledge, it is probably more about denial. They say ?My kid would never?? and such. Parents typically think well of their kids and since that is the proper way to think it can be taken advantage of. Like my littler sister has already learned to try to pass the buck to some one else when she is in trouble but since it is my parents third child they know how to deal with it by making her take responsibility for what she does. I guess you form some kind of balance between total suspicion and total faith.
LMAO Your sister does not have it as easy as you than eh?
11-12-2004, 02:45 PM
Puppet Master Wrote:LMAO Your sister does not have it as easy as you than eh?He He, no I guess not.

11-12-2004, 04:16 PM
Blight Wrote:He He, no I guess not.My parents would never say "Why my child would never..." because I already did.
LMAO The curse of your handy work passed down to her LMAO

11-12-2004, 11:13 PM
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I asked if you liked them because if you did then I'd suggest you read Nana by Ai Yazawa. It's a really addicting shojo manga (don't know if you're into shojo) that in a way pays homage to the Sex Pistols (and punk music in general) and Vivienne Westwood. It would be like killing two birds with one stone: manga+punk
Shoujo is not bad but ive not really read much to be honest..those mangas sound cool and i will check em out some time...
hmmm bout the only manga ive been reading lately to do with a band is Beck..thats pretty cool and theyve started an anime series to it now think its on ep4 now...
on a side note im really liking DeathNote at the mo.
11-16-2004, 09:08 PM
rav96 Wrote:Shoujo is not bad but ive not really read much to be honest..those mangas sound cool and i will check em out some time...
hmmm bout the only manga ive been reading lately to do with a band is Beck..thats pretty cool and theyve started an anime series to it now think its on ep4 now...
on a side note im really liking DeathNote at the mo.
Exscuse me for asking but what is Shoujo?