06-06-2004, 12:22 PM
06-07-2004, 10:02 AM
lets see, a word that ends in masu is usually a verb and to make it a negative you just change it to shimasen like shimasu=do , shimasen
06-09-2004, 11:53 AM
Haha..I stopped replying to my own thread out of laziness and didnt think anyone cared anymore...if you guys really want me to post some stuff up just let me know

06-09-2004, 05:32 PM
I find it interesting..... if you would want to start it up again ^^
06-10-2004, 12:16 PM
I don't know very much Japanese.......but I do want to learn!! Baka= Idiot....... That's about it......... ASO DES KA= oh really. Nai shin dio= What are you doing....... Akuma= devil. My friend Rikoo-chan told me most of that!! Other than that I'm dead!! No Da?
11-24-2004, 07:54 PM
I want more . im going to be studying japanese at school soon.
ill start to share how you write in japanese in here like this :
柔らかいバニー = Fluffy Bunny
ラストエグザイル = lastEXILE
ill start to share how you write in japanese in here like this :
柔らかいバニー = Fluffy Bunny
ラストエグザイル = lastEXILE
11-24-2004, 08:31 PM
Miso-Soup Wrote:I don't know very much Japanese.......but I do want to learn!! Baka= Idiot....... That's about it......... ASO DES KA= oh really. Nai shin dio= What are you doing....... Akuma= devil. My friend Rikoo-chan told me most of that!! Other than that I'm dead!! No Da?
Only things ive even read about Japaneese meanings were on the internet Akuma and Kami....
11-25-2004, 05:49 AM
well you have to be careful with kami
Kami (kami no ke) = hair
Kami = divine
You have to be careful with that one.
lets see...
kamakiri = mantis
nan da tou!! = what the hell??
doko umare desu ka = where were you born?
shumi wa anime desu = my hobby is anime
dendenmushi = snail
kore wa nan desu ka = what is this??
tadaima = I'm back
okaeri = welcome back
yokatta = thats good
ora ora ORA!! = (hmm...maybe...) bring it!!/come on!!/lets go!! (something to that effect, people say it when fighting or when they want to fight)
Kami (kami no ke) = hair
Kami = divine
You have to be careful with that one.
lets see...
kamakiri = mantis
nan da tou!! = what the hell??
doko umare desu ka = where were you born?
shumi wa anime desu = my hobby is anime
dendenmushi = snail
kore wa nan desu ka = what is this??
tadaima = I'm back
okaeri = welcome back
yokatta = thats good
ora ora ORA!! = (hmm...maybe...) bring it!!/come on!!/lets go!! (something to that effect, people say it when fighting or when they want to fight)
11-25-2004, 07:18 AM
Quote:yokatta = thats good
Special notes about this adjective.
The adjective "ii" means "good"
so "ii desu" means "it's good"
but ii is the a new version of an older word "yoi" which is used in all other forms (past/affirmative, past/negative, present/negative).
So to say "it was good" you'll say "yokatta desu"
"it isn't good" = "yokunai desu"
"it wasn't good" = "yokunakatta desu"