Since, I'm studying Japanese I thought I'd share a word or two each day
1) Neko - cat
Can you find out what Talking Pie is in Japanese? Thanks for the info. :mrgreen:
hmmm ill look it up tonight but u never responded to my private message grr :evil:
thanx...i feel so much smarter already

Well your post up level..which says baka - idiot/dummy...
Sorry but I did come in. I thought you wouldn't get it. Sorry.

I found out Artemis can be a girl's name. Does that mean Artemis and Luna are dykes? 8O
Umm I cant comment on that one..but they have a kid together named Diana....
hmm...then again everybody already knows how to say cat and dog...gee even a baka knows...
Fine..A more advanced word for you ongaku- music
hehe how about Ringo - Apple
Bakayaro nan desu ka? ^_^