Possibly. I have no clue. Spanish would be a bit easier.
I have to chime in on this one here is one of the most offensive phrases
It literally means "EAT SHIT" but it carries far more meaning more like "FUCK OFF". An older japanese gentelman approched my brother in Wal Mart and asked him if he was an OKAMA and he replied with kuso demo kue. Needless to say the guy nearly shit himself he was repulsed. It was great I'll post some more great phrases like this later. 8O 8O 8O
no, but wouldnt that be great. I have just been studying for a very long time...... o by the way OKAMA means homosexual in a derragatory manner. 8O 8O I nearly wet myself with laughter last night when I saw one of the sponsors to INU YASHA was Mc Donalds hahahahahaha it gets me everytime 8O 8O
Here are some greetings and replies
Konnichiwa - Good day/afternoon
Kobanwa - Good evening
Arigato (gozaimasu) - Thank you
Hae/Ee - Yes
Domo! - Thanks!
Japanese is a crazy language to learn. I would like to take a night class later on in life. But first I have to get ready for Pharmacy School. Not fun.
Here is some japanese for daily use
Dare ga he o hitta?
Who farted?
He o kamashita.
He cracked a fart.
there you guys go now you can converse about farts all you want hahahahaha 8O 8O 8O
How would you say "Sorry for farting on your cat"?
Here's one for ya!
That girl has a jiucey OMANKO!!!!
Which means is our equivelent to CUNT. :twisted: 8O
That's just dirty. 8O
Haahhahahahha just kidding. I'll write that down in my list of things to memorize. :mrgreen:
Here's another one for you steve. KAMINARI.
It means Thunder.
Now you can walk up to a fat chick and say "Genki desuka, Kaminari Omanko?" which translates to " How are you, thunder cunt?"

What about the cat fart? :mrgreen:
Here it is "Sorry for farting on your cat."
He o kamashita soba ni neko. Gomen nasai
that is just great. 8O 8O
How about "Your cat stole my bananas.". :mrgreen:
Here it is:
Omae no wa doboro neko desu. Boku no banana wa sutoru deshita.
Sore o dou omoimasu ka
(what do you think of that?)
it says "Your cats a thief." "It stole my bananas." 8O 8O