Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
where the hell is Shibo?
I was wondering the same thing too.. I've only started posting the past couple of weeks but have never heard from him.
Quote:Originally posted by ladysilverice
it gets very very frusturating to be asked the same question a million times when the answer lies within the person's reach, but they are too lazy to go get it for themselves. Those people do not deserve respect.
As a rule, I always look into and observe anything before I begin it. For example, I now know alot of personalities and the way different people react in these forums because I read alot of them before I posted anything. How hard is that to do?
I love you already!

That was my point about newbies... Its not being a newbie that pisses me off its people who are stupid and then give other newbies a bad name!
I just for arguement sake want to point out when all of us here first took a liking to anime "did we know everything from the very first day" Lets cut the ones who are not rude or snippy a break. Who know one day when they get their anime legs so to speak they might help one of us more experienced people out with something if we need help
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
...where the hell is Shibo?
personal business. He has something coming up in the near future and has been working his ass off at work since he was promoted.
When I talk with him, I still badger him to bestow his mod-dom upon me

Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
I just for arguement sake want to point out when all of us here first took a liking to anime "did we know everything from the very first day" Lets cut the ones who are not rude or snippy a break. Who know one day when they get their anime legs so to speak they might help one of us more experienced people out with something if we need help
Asking sensible questions and asking questions that have been answered in the FAQ or in other threads numerous times are two different things.
I mean, why come on and ask "What is FX?" when it's right there in the FAQ. Or why come onto a forum and say "How is this place?" I mean what am I gonna say "It's unreliable but I shop here anyways?" I mean we obviously hung around because we like the place. That's like going into a church and saying "How do you like this religion?" Don't you think you're gonna get a biased answer? It's just common sense stuff like that that gets on my nerves.
LS has the best method. Stay quiet until you do some research and figure the place out. No need to join and then seem like an idiot in your very first post.
i believe thats what i did.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
You talking about NAS aka. Mr. Knobsworth? Me and him get along great. Go figure.
More like Renzu. I only visit the HK boards usually.
I understand what some of you are saying, I still don't think it is cool though to cut someone off at the ankles because this are new or might make a DUH type post . The only time I feel it is justifiedied is when the person has been taking personal jabs at others and beening just plain disrespectful to the board rules and other people
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
I don't try to cut someone off at the ankles but at the same time I do point out that a post asking a question that is prominently answered in the FAQ might be inconsiderate.
Even Vicious hasn't been that bad towards newbies when they ask dumb questions. Sure he points out that it's a dumb question but I don't think he cuts people off at the ankles. Only one case of that comes to mind and I feel it was justified.
Well we could always view the newbie's two ways a fresh brain to be corupted. Or the same as what freddy Kruger use to say "How sweet, Fresh Meat"
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
If you have a question, the best answer to get it is to post and have someone tell you to either read the faq or just get a straight up answer. If someone asks, "hey, what's fx?" someone will say either read the sticky on the board, dumbass or they will tell you fx is a hk dvd company. So you see either way, you're going to get somewhere unless no-one responds to your post.
If only those noobs would bother to read the FAQs before asking obvious questions. When I was new, I read all the FAQs I could find on the forum, I didn't want to impose stupid, repetitive questions when the answers could be found by opening the eyes and clicking the mouse.
Once in awhile, it's nice to help out the noobs. However, it gets on the nerves when the original/similar question thread is only couple of lines down the new ones within a couple of days.

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Stay quiet until you do some research and figure the place out. No need to join and then seem like an idiot in your very first post.
This is the way I have always tried to be on a board. I lurk for a while, post occasionally, use the SEARCH button, use google, read the topics, faqs, and then join in and party it up. The other thing I try to do that I wish other noobs would do is EMAIL the store owner about stock status questions. I mean, that is what they are there for right? If you want to buy a set, or are confused as to why "insert ADV title here" isn't on the site anymore, just email the owner. I mean, they are the ones who have the answer, why not go straight to the source? They will be nice because if they aren't they might lose a potential customer.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
When I talk with him, I still badger him to bestow his mod-dom upon me
Ehh, I think we'll need a board voting round to see if everyone agrees
But we do need a more active mod around here.
While on the subject of AN, its much much worse there for noobs.
Newbie: "Hi, I'm new. Does anyone like cowboy Bebop?
Oldbie: "I hope you get cancer and die."
Newbie never to be heard from again.
Anyway, my most annoying newb question would be when they ask if the english voices on the HK's are the same as CN.
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
While on the subject of AN, its much much worse there for noobs.
Anyway, my most annoying newb question would be when they ask if the english voices on the HK's are the same as CN.
Ha yeah I hate that question! There arnt that many newbie posts on AN HK board mainly because I think they all go to the General Discussion or something... There was this one guy who spammed the hell out of the board and pissed everyone off then kept spamming by posting apologies and making threads to the mods instead of PMing them!
Also being an anime newbie and asking 'what is FX' are two totally different things...