There seems to be a few people who post here who seem to have a sort of hostility toward each other like they have a personal grudge against each other. Am I the only one who notices this?
Hush....if you don't want another war....
Naw I just figure I come on message boards to unwind and chat about subject. I get in enough arguements in my life this is unwind time for me thats why I back away from fights here and try not to insight them
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
There seems to be a few people who post here who seem to have a sort of hostility toward each other like they have a personal grudge against each other. Am I the only one who notices this?
No. You're not the only one who notices this. I have alot of hostility for any idiot. And it just happens that the idiots figure if they combine their IQ's, it might work out in their favor.
Vicious, I have nothing against you at all, most of your posts make for good reading. I just don't see the point in any of us here argueing or fighting among ourselves, I mean we all have a common interest. Just alittle different perspective on it at times
"I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though"
Nicolos D Wolfwood
I on the other Hand love this forum becoz of the hostilities.
If you cant handle emm join another one theres loads of anime ones out there but they are just too peacefull
*Sits down and starts doin Yoga to cleanse the inner rage*

The flame wars are a recent development that I have NOT been enjoying.
It was entertaining to have Vicious making the occasional heavy handed post but lately he's been egged on by other members and lost his cool.
Mantis, welcome to our house.
I hope you stick around long enough to see things cool off and find out what a great place this is to talk about anime and buy those hard to find series.
Well i do agree that Lately it has gone a little Childish but
who cares it will blow over let them go at it until one finally realises that
WTF am i doing its only a Forum

Aye, this is a great place to share our experiences with anime. It's been a year now since I've started coming here, and it's proven more than entertaining and enlightening at the same time.
There will always be flame wars, and I don't intend on getting in on all of them, if not most of them. Certain people just need to let things slide once in a while, since n00bs will always be asking questions that may seem ridiculous to some. However, I believe that most of the time these questions are made in the upmost sincerity, so they deserve to be answered in a similar fashion, rather than dismissed with a curt remark.
Robojack, I'm going to disagree with that and say that even "n00bs" should know enough to read an FAQ. I have yet to see a forum that doesn't have one and people should know enough to read them by now.
Even if it scares someone away from this forum, hopefully that person will grow up enough to learn to read FAQs when they invade another forum.
If everyone was as patient as you, Zagatto, forums in general would be a lot more peaceful. But you have to realize that some people are hasty and impulsive in nature, and they shouldn't always be punished for that. If you feel it's not worth your time, then just ignore them, I'm sure they'll eventually figure it out themselves.
A newcomer should never be blasted for a question made in sincerity. I admit that I might've been impatient a few instances with some people, but in general, I believe that they should always be made to feel welcome. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
Well I see two really ugly spots with this topic...
First look in what section we are in... Oh yea General Babble... JJ and Schultz made this section of the fourm to discuss things that are outside the realm of anime. So in this section of the fourm are general fondness of anime is in a sense noil and void.
Second while there are hostilities toward a few people, I don't think it has been like this before. Take Kakomu and myself. We have disagreed many times. We post are views and the post a rebuttle, but I have never considered him an enemy. More like he is a Cathloic and I am a Prostian. We both believe the samething we just have different views that we come to except about each other. To some who don't know us it may appear to be the other way, but hind sight is always 20/20...
Just my overal opinion is that alot of times I am right on info things I post, but when I am wrong and someone like Vicious or Robojack call me on my mistake with a post I don't keep argueing even though I am wrong. I usually will thank the person for helping me get my info straight
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
Please, don't put me in the same group as him.