Sorry only did so because you both have corrected me on mistakes before, making no other comparison
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
Yeh there's alot of action lately but at least somethings happening... Over at AN nothings happening... At least there's something to read! As for newbies everytime I have been one I have never made stupid posts... I find out whats going on then join in... I think the stupid newbie posts lately give newbies a bad name when there is a difference between newbies and stupid four year olds...
Edit: A newbie should never make thier first post a new thread... Thats common sense... Just read some posts and get into the board before you make new threads when you dont know whats going on..
Though you have to remember what might be common sense for some of us minght not be to everybody so it is kinda hard to say newbies should not post if it is a common sense thing
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
You should see the resident know-it-all bitch at articnightfall... x_x
Quote:Originally posted by CrayonShinChan
You should see the resident know-it-all bitch at articnightfall... x_x
You talking about NAS aka. Mr. Knobsworth? Me and him get along great. Go figure.

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
You talking about NAS aka. Mr. Knobsworth? Me and him get along great. Go figure.
Still waiting patiently for the day you two go at it:p
As for noobs, I started to post on these forums to help other noobs with the research I have done (and to help before long time members scare them away). I liked helping people in the beginning (and still do) but one time on the cookiejar forums I answered a "why is this so cheap" question with a long rant explaining everything about this wonderfull product. Took me about 40 min. (slow typer in english) to type it up. So I helped the guy and a section of my rant was used for their new faq. Couple of days later....same question and I thought why didn't he read the faq and planed a harsh reply which I withdrew later. Same thing here. People put time into writing it to help others only to see some lazy guy/gal use up space asking the same question for the 1xxx time. Bad thing is, going off on a noob doesn't do anything except scare him/her away and create internet fobia (just thought that up

) Maybe even stop considering using JJ's store which is not what we want.
We should just respond mildly sarcastic like : "Is this your first internet visit? Go read the FAQ" without any curse words added and have no more replies to those posts. Actually, these questions should be locked after one reply and to do that we need a more active mod. JJ's hardly ever online or atleast hardly on the forums and Shibo...where the hell is Shibo?
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
Though you have to remember what might be common sense for some of us minght not be to everybody so it is kinda hard to say newbies should not post if it is a common sense thing
Yes but we have like three of the same questions with the same answers on the first page alone... If they cant be bothered to read any threads they obviously arnt interested in the board and thats why we never see them again because they got the answer they wanted and then went off and ordered something never to be seen again because they dont care about posting anything more... Thats why, not because they got scared away by someone...
Quote:Originally posted by gubi-gubi
then went off and ordered something never to be seen again because they dont care about posting anything more... Thats why, not because they got scared away by someone...
My newbie story:
I posted a stupid question on this forum and two people answered me back, one I can't remember.. and the other Vicious. I was so scared. I ordered my stuff and left. I didn't come back for monthes. I think I registered in the beginning of the year and didn't go back to the forums til May. Hahaha... But yeah, someone said it before - I had read the FAQ, the button next to the About button and the question I asked was in the other FAQ, the one in the thread. Once I realized that, I felt like an idiot for defending myself.. hence, I ran away :p It did give me a bad impression, not of the store or the forum, but of people in general. Nothing said was out of line and I understand why Vicious and the other person said what they did.. I'm just glad I came back

Funny thing is all of us remember "clicks" when we were younger or currently for some of the younger users. As much as we hated most of them their really is a kind of "click" we have here that sometimes a Newbie doesent feel the most welcome in. So is their so sort of aceptance trial they have to endure here certain amount of posts that at at least semi intelegently thought out, or a exact # of days as a member. I would be completely honest when I said I don't alway have all the facts about anime I need and I do ask semi stupid questions in others eyes from time to time, but it is because I generally hope someone can awnser my question I might have, not try to scare me away with posible rudeness
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
Yes, I'm extremely new.
Yes, I'm going to be made fun of.
No, I don't know alot about anime, but I'm willing to learn.
Yes, I can take being made fun of.
What I don't understand is how people can be offended so easily. I am currently a student at a military school, and guess what? Being a freshman sucked. We all had to do it. We all got treated like dirt until we proved we could hack it and then we started to get respect. I hate people that walk into something and think they should automatically be respected. I read all the FAQ's before I even signed up for the Forums. But guess what? I'm still gonna ask stupid questions cuz I AM A NEWBIE.
This is the way things go. Everyone starts at the bottom and newbies need to get a tougher hide. If one insult is enough to send them running, then it's their loss. It would suck to live a life like that.
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
My newbie story:
I posted a stupid question on this forum and two people answered me back, one I can't remember.. and the other Vicious. I was so scared. I ordered my stuff and left. I didn't come back for monthes.
Well, I don't remember it, but I'll take credit for it.
I'm with LS. You can't walk into someplace, act like you're totally lost, and then get upset if people say something to you.
The feeling of being new. Since I am in the miltary every year or so I get shipped to a new base. I get to start over and try to fit in. That is hard but sometimes I get luck and meet some of the greatest people in my life. Crash and burn, get up and try again. Sounds so easy to do. And in some cases it is. But when it comes to feeling like you belong or you are wanted, man rejection can hurt real bad.
Look I am with you all if a noob hasn't read the FAQ's then he needs to be told so. In what manner depends on the person. I make no judgments. But others get no self pity... like that last joker who had it out with Vicious. Mercy were needed.
I understand the military way of life completely (my brother will be in Iraq come March, in the Army), and I understand that people may be taken aback by some of the responses they get to questions, but they also have to consider the other side of the board, where the people are coming from who answer those questions.
I'm sure you, Morgorath, being in the military, can understand this, but as a leader, it gets very very frusturating to be asked the same question a million times when the answer lies within the person's reach, but they are too lazy to go get it for themselves. Those people do not deserve respect.
As a rule, I always look into and observe anything before I begin it. For example, I now know alot of personalities and the way different people react in these forums because I read alot of them before I posted anything. How hard is that to do?
Quote:Originally posted by ladysilverice
As a rule, I always look into and observe anything before I begin it. For example, I now know alot of personalities and the way different people react in these forums because I read alot of them before I posted anything. How hard is that to do?
I'd think not very for someone with half a brain. But alot of people we get in here are severely lacking. And then they want to blame their deficiencies on me.
Don't sweat it, I realized over time that the people who talk the most out of their rear are the ones who will least likely admit they are wrong even if it is pointed out with proof directly to them
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood