I was following the regular morning routine, I had just fed the dog and let him out, and went back to playing around with my computer. Minutes later I hear the door creak back open (when I let the dog out I do not shut the door all the way). I head out into the kitchen and shut the door behind the dog, and think nothing more about the situation. I went back to the computer and started up a game, and I hear my mother (getting ready for work) gasp: "Oh my God".
Upon hearing those words my heart started to race. I knew that something had to be wrong. I ran to the kitchen and asked mom what was going on. She just said "LOOK" and pointed to the floor. I glanced down and saw a giant spider on the kitchen floor. When I say "giant" I mean it. I instantly recognized the spider to be a Wolf Spider. A spider that is notorious for killing small pets that wander to close to it's subterranean home ( The Wolf Spider is a hunting spider, meaning that it has no web and actively hunts for prey). I loathe spiders. Especially extremely LARGE quick moving aggressive spiders. Armed with a shoe box top I tried to trap it, but I was much too slow. The spider scuttled under the washing machine. I decided that when dealing with a foe this cunning a simple box top would not suffice. I reached under the kitchen sink and grasped a can of RAID. I sprayed under the washing machine. The wolf quickly darted out, and stood defiantly looking up at me. I could see "all" of it's eyes shimmering. It was angry.
The spider charged. I opened fire. I sprayed it, until its brown furry body was coated in white frothy foam. The Wolf's movement went from quick snappy jumps to a lethargic saunter. I dropped the box top on top on my enemy, and stood triumphant.
My heart is still fluttering, and this happened three hours ago.
WOW dude you kicked NATURES Ass!!!
im not geberally sacred of bugs but that would have had me sh*tting my brick!
Nice One!
Yeh luckily we dont have spiders that big in the UK! I dont kill insects but if I saw one like that I think i'd have to... I had a spider in my room the other night that was like 2inches big and I thought that was big!
Ewww, I just looked it up online to get a visual of this wolf spider and that is one nasty looking sucker. I'm grossed out seeing how hairy it is. How is your dog? I'm assuming it's still alive and wasn't eaten since you didn't mention it.
Ugghhh.. I remember couple of monthes ago there was a mouse in the living room. It attacked me and jumped on my foot! Lucky I was wearing slippers. I kicked it to the couch and grabbed a box to trap it. None of my roommates believed me when I told them what happened until they heard noises coming from the box on the couch. It was funny cuz one of my roommates is a huge 6'5 guy and he was acting like a sissy when he had to throw it away :p
And this is part of why I enjoy living in the top half of our hemisphere. A nice cold winter prevents us from having bugs grow that large.
Of course, we do have West Nile Virus and Lyme disease to deal with but those are minor compared to bugs that can EAT A DOG!
Glad to hear you are OK after the experience. I've even heard that elevated heart rates for extended periods of time can be a good thing.
That's scary man. Crazy huge freaky 8 legged spiders.:mad:
I guess my experience of watch Lupin and hearing rattles underneath the TV thinking it was a rat and finding out it was a pair of roaches mating doesn't compare to that. I sucked up the roaches with my vaccum and then dumped them outside when a huge swarm of roaches came and I killed them all with my shoe. I could barely sleep that night cause I thought a roach was still lurking around. :p
I wouldn't have dared to use the spray as i've tried it on cockroaches and after half a can i only killed two plus almost myself due to the fumes.
Lucky in scotland we don't even have ants. Just big moths and flies.
I'd have just switched the washing machine on and the vibrations woulda scared it out. And then something to squash the biatch.
Big Spiders... man Kakoi you had to bring that up didn't you. I know wolf spiders are bad and I feel for you, but listen to this. Do you guys know what a Camel Spider is? Ok first it is not a spider. It more closely related to a scorpion, but it looks like one. It acts like the Wolf Spider too.
Click Here for the Myth about them.
Here is a picture of two Camel Spiders stuck together. They were found in the sleep bag of some Army guys in Baghdad.
After seeing that picture I know I won't sleep all night long! Jesus! Those things are huge! If I saw one of those I'd run far, far away from it and never return!
Fortunately we have no such animals in Portugal. In fact we have very little or no poisonous animals at all. Your occasional spider in the woods, 2'' spiders crawling up my bedroom walls twice a year but that's all.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
And this is part of why I enjoy living in the top half of our hemisphere. A nice cold winter prevents us from having bugs grow that large.
Of course, we do have West Nile Virus and Lyme disease to deal with but those are minor compared to bugs that can EAT A DOG!
Glad to hear you are OK after the experience. I've even heard that elevated heart rates for extended periods of time can be a good thing.
West Nile Virus and Lyme disease are troublesome, but don't forget the mere act of mosquitoes and ticks biting. Mosquitoes aren't bad, of course you get bit 10 times a day where I live. Ticks are less, but the bites ITCH horribly and last for a 3 weeks or more. And I have seen a Wolf Spider this far north...30 or so miles south of the Canadian border...I wouldn't feel TOO safe Zagatto.
Edit: Or 48 kilometers.
WOOOOOWWW that is one mean lookin ^&%@R
my brother has 2 tranchulas or however u spell them a rose hair and a pink toe also a python snake and some scorpions but that Albino lookin spider looks way more vicious!! but then again eyes can be deceaving!!
Camel Spiders = One big hairy motha
thanks to you guys i think im developing arachnophobia

Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Here is a picture of two Camel Spiders stuck together. They were found in the sleep bag of some Army guys in Baghdad.
Just knowing that those things exist in the world is making me sick!
HEY!!! This remids me of the little Wolf Spider I found with a friend at WILCO!!! Remember Kakoii??? Me and Eric at The gas station when me and him worked there??? It was a black one that was about 4 inches in size. A BABY still. I personally found it crawling sluggishly under a cooler in the middle of the store. It apparently was cold and couldn't move. I took a straw and slid it into a slushie cup and taped the top shut with some small airholes. Took it to the pet shop and asked if it really was a TARANTULA or not cause it SURE LOOKED LIKE ONE! But it turned out to be a young Wolf Spider. Not as cool as Kakoiis story but still...me an Kak now both have a "Wolf Spider Incedent Story".

Ok had my first encounter with the dreaded Camel Spider. We were doing a control burn on the Airfield. (that is were we burn off the grass so when we get attacked there is no fuel for a fire to spread) Anyways we were told that this would bring the bugs out and not to be pussies because the bugs will follow your shadow (especially the CS) And it happened these critters came out fast. They were hidding under are trucks and then this spider came out after my buddy following him, chasing his shadow. I said "Hey come by the truck" Sure enough the spider got in the trucks shade and stopped his chase. But then it saw a moth moving and in a flash it pounced on it. I took a picture take a look.