Damn spiders, my father never should have let me watch arachnophobia. Now I've grown up to be arachnocidal. I was in my back yard a few years ago when I saw a spider on my clothes line. This wasnt a big spider or anything, maybe the size of a quater, but sins of the father and what not. I went into my hall closet and got out a small BB/dart pistol, and turned the spider into a small bloody smear from point blank. Vicious, I feel your pain.
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
Sounds like you definately would get a kick out of finding a black widow nest. I had that misfortune once when I lived in WA
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
Why? What happens when you find one? Is it bad? I hate spiders. I squish them whenever I see them. Except Daddy Long Legs. As long as they don't touch me, I let them live.
Black Widows usually love wood piles to make their nest. Even if you are not alergic to their bites they will make you sick if you get bite. And if you find a nest you will find hundreds of baby spiders also. Their bite makes a bee sting feel good
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
at my aunts house in virginia beach they had a black widow spider nest in thier utility shed. i wouldn't go near it.
I will let you know about a black widow bite I was bite when I was 13 I was in the hospital for a week. a 2 inch diameter circle around the bite on the skin turned leather hard and died, I still have the scar. I would rather get in the ring with Tyson then get bite by one of them little devils again
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
i'm glad i live in northern ohio, no worries for such things. except for the occasional mountain lion.
I have a story about me "meeting" a Tratatula once.
Well this was about 4 years ago. I was staying up late at 12:00 a.m. and I was watching Baywatch basicly kicking back. The door in my room was open and I was too lazy to close it BIG MISTAKE.
A few minutes later a Big Ass spider comes threw the open door this was a tratatula a big hairy, with a lot of eyes a "pics" for teeth I think. Well I think you know what my reaction would be from watching beautiful woman on tv to seeing an UGLY ass spider. WTF!?!?!?!?:eek:
This fucking spider crawl up my bed because the sheets was hanging down the bed. So I was in my room fighting for my life.
So I did what any other man would do... I went to the garage got a baseball bat and tried to idimidate the spider to get the fuck out of my room. But it didn't work.
So again I did what anyother man would do I threw the sheets over the spider and ran to my parents room and slept their.:o
The next day I told my mom she went to look at my room but the spider was gone. dun dun dun:eek:
Heh, I showed that spider that I was a MAN!!! Uh I think I did? :p
That story made me lauge so hard. Thanks for sharing that with us
Gotta love them creepy crawlers. And to think some people love having them as pets
I said I was a preacher, I never said a was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
That story made me lauge so hard. Thanks for sharing that with us
The sad thing is that the story is true. Ever sine then I've been afraid of spiders. I guess that spider did make me his bitch.

Hey me and snakes... Let's just say that last time I didn't have enough money and the snake said, "Does Wayne Brady have to choke a bitch." That pretty much sums up me and a snakes relationship
Insects and spiders wouldn't freak me out that much if I saw one in real life.. unless if I think they can actually kill me.. but worms or snakes or anything that slithers... omg, I'll run away crying like a baby if I see those. I can't believe how people who go on fear factor can eat worms and slugs. Ewwwww...
My biggest enemy right now are roaches :mad: When I moved into the new place, I didn't see one in sight and I just plain assumed there weren't any. After I moved in, I saw one or two and the landlady said the apartment undernearth mine had them so they're gonna exterminate. After the extermination, there were even more! OMG! It's like they knew they were gonna die, so they all f*cked each other like crazy. I hate them! Each time I kill one, I try to prolong their pain... Cruel yes but I don't care! :mad:
This is the story of when I almost died:
I was visiting a friend and her teenage brother owned a baby python. I was taking a shower at her house one morning after staying over and his snake got out and had made it to the bathroom before me. I didn't notice it until I went to get out of the shower to find a 4 foot long (or so) python wrapped around the toilet and staring at me! They heard me screaming throughout the whole neighborhood! They all ran upstairs to find me wrapped in a towel (sort of) and looking for something to beat it with. I currently only had a shampoo bottle that I had already thrown at it. That bathroom was tiny and I'm sure that stupid thing was sizing me up to see if I'd fit in his stomach! Her brother said it had been sleeping in the pile of towels when I had gone in. *shiver*
Ewwww.. I hate snakes! That is the worst possible scenario I would never want to be in. Half naked, no weapon, four foot long!! It didn't even happen in the jungle or zoos or wherever... which is even more scarier because it happened in a home.
Quote:Originally posted by ZODDGUTS
So I did what any other man would do... I went to the garage got a baseball bat and tried to idimidate the spider to get the fuck out of my room. But it didn't work.
You tried to intimidate a spider? LOL! That's really funny!
What I find amazing is that you actually went back to your room! That takes guts! If I were you I'd burn my bedroom to the ground before going back in. :p
I'm not really afraid of snakes but then again I once had one at home, living in a vase!

Of course a python is the sort of snake that can make anybody scream!