Damn, so many close encounters. That had to be an amazing thing to see in real life. A spider that large actually catching it's prey. Amazing and sickening all at once.
Morg, you are the most corageous person I've ever known!
That thing actually looked kind of cool.
But I would probably use one of my telephoto lenses to photograph it from a safe distance. I guess if you've got people shooting rockets at you then a hairy spider isn't quite as scary in comparison...
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
I guess if you've got people shooting rockets at you then a hairy spider isn't quite as scary in comparison...
I have my doubts!
You Morg do indeed have Guts (or should that be gats

That just looks like a screencap from Alien with a damn face hugger! Especially the first two!
I'm glad you thought I was brave. I felt like the Cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz. Oh no Dorthy the spider is going to get me. No wait he just want's the Scarecrow...lol
I will try to share the adventures I have on the next episode of "Morgy scared in Iraq"...lol
after i watched the movie arachnophobia i was paranoid for weeks, i didn't want to turn on the lamps, take a shower, put my shoes on, eat cereal, go into barns, use the basement, go to the bathroom. spiders are my bane, they will destroy me someday. i enjoy killing them, if they don't scare me to much. Now the movie eight legged freaks thats hilarious. my uncle allows two tarantulas to roam around his house i florida. he says it's the best form of bug control. i refuse to visit him anymore.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
I guess if you've got people shooting rockets at you then a hairy spider isn't quite as scary in comparison...
If I had my choice, I'd take my chances with teh rockets. I know I'm gonna take so much grief for this . . . but Vicious is a pussy when it comes to creepy crawlies. I mean, my ego won't let me run fom them. So I'll still sit there and beat the crap out of anything remotely resembling an insect. But they make my skin crawl like you would not believe. I couldn't even force myself to click on the links to the pics. No way am I trying to see that shit.
You will not recieve any grief from me Vicious.

Kakoi... you're too nice.
I wont think anything less of Vicious but I will make small jokes at his expense from now on when I can fit them in...
I'm thinking that a good rubber spider at the first con we all attend will have to make an appearance at least once.... more if he jumps well.
I'm not a big fan of bugs either and my first reaction when I see one is to smash it with a slipper. Spiders don't bother me that much but like I said before the ones around here are quite small. Sometimes I even let them go about their lives just as long as they don't touch me 'cause if they do then I freak out! The one bug that scares me to death are centipedes! Man, I hate those bugs! Why do they need so many legs?! Couldn't they just have 3 instead of 30?! Whenever I see one I almost have a heart attack and then I smash it with my slipper. :p I think I'm this scared of centipedes because a poisonous gigantic one almost bit me when I was in Africa!
Don't think I'd be able to kill a Camel Spider with a slipper though.

That's kool Andreomeda... Hell I like most spiders as long as they are not near me...

They eat all the bugs that I really can't stand. I just don't understand why thier venom has to be so damn strong... WTF
Sounds like you definately would get a kick out of finding a black widow nest. I had that misfortune once when I lived in WA
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood