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THEY :oops:
This is where you AIR THEIR DIRTY LAUNDRY and SHARE YOUR BAD EXPERIENCES for the WORLD TO see to avoid transacting/trading with certain TRADERS. 8O
![[Image: colere.gif]](
I'll take the first shots first.
*uncocks M16*
There's this certain trader by the name of CHUCKOPOLIS who has not fulfilled his end of the bargain as of late.
TRADE in question?
Bigstick - Lord Of The Rings
F-uckopolis - Some Penelope Cruz Nekkid Flick
FACT: Bigstick had sent the dvd to that F-uckopolis [CHUCKOPOLIS] faithfully 3 weeks ago and recieved unanswered emails, and ignored all means of contacts as to the status of his part of the bargain.
CHUCKOPOLIS is a a ripper/thief who should be avoided at all costs. Unless he has a valid reason to explain himself - the BEEF stands.
SEND BIGSTICK his dvd already man. Don't be a (_o_)
lol, interesting way of phrasing it but a shi-tty trader thread is a good idea, hehe
Yeah. I sent my stuff to him a while ago. The last I heard from him, he said he was going to send it out. I unfortunately had to take one for the team so that others can stay away. Hope Junkie could ban this guy from the board before he strikes again.
Bad, Bad Chuckopolis. Bad Chuckopolis.
You still have his address, don't you? Lets just go find him and kick his ass? <grin>
We will get that DVD one way or another.. muahaha
Seriously though, it sucks that you got burned. Its a shame that there are so many dishonorable people in this world. =[
Somebodykillme screwed over a user name James for some DVD... upon double checking his IP, I came to conlusion that Somebodykills me and Chuckopolis are same person....
doh, what a shit head :[
figure if he knew he was gonna rip people off he'd atleast list cool movies for trade :p
ya, it was somebody kill me =( fucking bastard!!!
Ive been out of trading for a while cause of this
I guess we're in the same boat man. you didn't keep his address did you??? i'd like to send him a box full of my shit.
omfg lol that would be sooo fucking funny, but sadly i dont =(
Bigstick and James,
After pulling some strings, I was able to escalate some action and lock down the idiot who ripped you 2. I was able to siphon a response from a so called person who claims to be "his brother". A email with postal fraud backing was sent and the jacka$s is sh1tting his pants. So far this is what I have for you 2, but I will prosecute this and instigate hell on this MOFO.
" Dear Sir,
I have no idea why I am recieving this e-mail. I happen to know who you are, but I have never done any trading with you. My brother, whom you also e-mailed, strangely enough, might be responsibe for this. He has been known to do these types of things. I apologize if you came of on the raw side of the burn, but it is not my fault, in the least. I shall inform my brother about this ASAP, seeing as how his e-mail address is out of quota, and he can no longer go into his account.
Once again, I deeply apologize for the inconvenience my brother has seemed to cause. Please forgive his foolishness, and mine for letting him do such things, and getting me in trouble in the proccess.
My Deepest Apologies,
Michael P. Williamson"
I'll keep ya'll posted. This story ain't over yet!
haha, dam that mofo should be shot
UPDATE 10/29
This is the Ripper's reply:
Also, I would appreciate it if any charges raised
against me were dropped. The reasons for the
belatedness of those discs being sent was a personal
matter in my life that has now been resolved; I was
never intending to rip anyone off.
I'm sorry about the confusion and hope that this
matter is resolved in a way that both of us will be
satisfied with.
> Hey Motherf*cker,
> Thought you got away didn't you? I have your
> address and name filed and fowarded from the 2
> traders
> you defrauded. As a U.S MARINE, I was able to send
> this case up quickly through the civilian law
> enforcement channels. Local DT will be notifying you
> soon for a very interesting experience you'll
> regret.
> NEwTONS LAW OF PHYSICS asshole, what comes around,
> goes around.
> I quote:
> [Postal Inspection Service]
> Mail Fraud and Misrepresentation
> Title 18, United States Code
> Section 1341:
> "Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any
> scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining
> money
> or property by means of false or fraudulent
> pretenses,
> representations, or promises, or to sell, dispose
> of,
> loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute,
> supply,
> or furnish or procure for unlawful use any
> counterfeit
> or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other
> article, or anything represented to be or intimated
> or
> held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article,
> for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice
> or attempting so to do, places in any post office or
> authorized depository for mail matter, any matter or
> thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal
> Service, or deposits or causes to be deposited any
> matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by
> any private or commercial interstate carrier, or
> takes
> or receives therefrom, any such matter or thing, or
> knowingly causes to be delivered by mail or such
> carrier according to the direction thereon, or at
> the
> place at which it is directed to be delivered by the
> person to whom it is addressed, any such matter or
> thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
> not more than five years, or both. If the violation
> affects a financial institution, such person shall
> be
> fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not
> more
> than 30 years, or both."
> HAVE AT YOU HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so glad I get to stick
> it
> to the a$sholes. Expect to be in a hellish
> experience
> in 2-3 days. SEMPER FI
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 21:00:42 -0800 (PST)
From: "Chuck Williamson" <
[email protected]> | This is
Subject: Re: Import-Anime Investigation *DVDS*
To: "James Hu" <
[email protected]>
I'm sorry, but it turns out I've already sent those
people those DVDs I owed them, albeit very late.
I've already apologized to both of them and they
should attain their discs very shortly.
WELL there you have it folks. James and Bigstick, LET ME KNOW if he emails you guys to reconciliate. [The James he refers to in the email reply is ME, as my name is also James]. If this guy doesn't rectify the situation, I WILL RUIN HIS LIFE/RECORD AND MAKE SURE HE HAS A UGLY BLOT ON HIS RESUMES, RUINING HIS JOBS/OPPORTUNITIES. HE DESERVES IT IF HE DOESN'T PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE AND REPATRIATE HIS END.!
[nyxcalm] yea , i'll f*ck you up lovely, just try me!
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