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Hopefully someone can help me on this. At the beginning of August I purchased 3 sets from Bigstick. He confirmed in an email that he received the cash. He said he shipped on August 11th and thats the last I've heard from him. I haven't seen the sets yet and he hasn't returned any of my emails in regards to this. It's been over a month and I don't think even ground shipping is this slow. If anyone has been in contact with him or can get ahold of him for me, I would greatly appreciate a response to this matter.
Thank you.
well, nobody has posted anything and I haven't heard from Bigtsick, so I guess I got really ripped on this deal!!
Hey man, it could've been worse.
How much did you lose? Investigations take some time, and its not afforded to many you know? If I were you, lets start at square one.
See if you can ask JJ or one of the site coders [suza?] if they can dig up bigstick/robo77's log ins as of late.
Its sad because Bigstick used to trade with me and JJ perfectly fine... and many others as well. If he indeed did vanish, or ripped you off, we'll have to slowly get to the bottom of it. So - describe everything in detail, give pertinent info, and we'll start from there.
Bigstick's a lawyer by the way, a profession that does well financially... Seems strange he'd swindle a kid for kicks... :confused: :confused: :confused:
Quote:Originally posted by NYxCalm
How much did you lose? Investigations take some time, and its not afforded to many you know? If I were you, lets start at square one.
See if you can ask JJ or one of the site coders [suza?] if they can dig up bigstick/robo77's log ins as of late.
Since you left for duty, I was "fired" so not me.
Hey there
Well first off, I'm not a kid, I'm 35. Next, the 100 or so bucks I sent him could have been better spent with JJ rather than being lost. But what really p*sses me off is that you say he's a "lawyer"! Not even the courtesy to return my emails AND I was very polite in them til I finally just gave up. Last I heard from him was August 11 when he said he shipped. The amount of money I gave him for shipping, the items should have went Priority which would have landed them at my doorstep in a week. Go figure...I did the deal with the references that people have given him. But, like you said, people can change and sometimes thats for the worst. Let me know if you dig anything up.
Thanks for your time on this. It is appreciated.
goflutie, have you check arcticnightfalls or another board he might be trading on? I can name one more, I just have to look it up when I get back home. Juts trying to give you ideas, I'd hate to see this happen

I've checked out the Arctic board and nothing there. You know, sh*t does happen, but I did give him plenty of time to reply to me personally before I contacted anyone here or even posted. Who knows??
Thanks for the reply!!
o_O damn, whats going on here - alot has changed.
My apologies to goflutie, I didn't know you were old - respect where its due.
MY BADS Suza - I didn't know things flow differently here... so who took your place? Arc0nx - my OLD OLD friend?
Lets see, I'm banned from Arctic, so I have no idea whats in there, but I'll confer with goflutie privately to get some more 411.

:eek: sigh
hey dude, i kept my word and investigated, and im sorry but im partial to bigstick as i've done alot of trades with him. if he was gonna rip you, he'd be asking for alot of money or making digits up the ying yang, here's his reply to me:
Subj: Re: WTH happaned at import-anime?
Date: 10/13/2003 5:03:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: bigstick
To: <NYxCalm>
"I sent the stuff to him as I said. I used the address from the envelope
that he used to send the money. I still have the envelope and address here.
I sent it to the exact address as written. Right now I can't remember
exactly what I sent but it was immeidately after I received his money
order...first class airmail to Canada. I wish I had some sort of receipt to
prove it but unfortunately I don't. I didn't send it with all the bells and
whistles so there's no confirmation number or anything else. This is the
first time I've lost anything sent to Canada so I'm not too sure how to go
about it. I know how he feels but what do you suggest we do about this?
Here's the address as printed on the envelope:
to verify one thing, customs has been getting clamped down. JJ can attest to bigstick's character, so can i and many others... *sigh* i dunno what to say man - he was a ripped victim himself, logic just doesn't make sense for him to victimize others intentionally. i'd find closure in that it either got lost in the mail, confiscated at customs or someone took your package from your box/doorstep...
semper fi, really
- lance corporal , u.s marines
I have an idea, and i Hope JJ can assist in this matter.
If JJ can set up a paypal fund, sorta like a treasury for people who're sympathetic to victims of ripoff artists, NO SHAME MAN...
just a buck from anyone who feels like it, i'd be the first to donate.
JJ would collect the funds until it was enough to pay for the intended item and shipping cost and have it sent to the victim. how does that sound?... the least we can do for this guy. =\
:confused: come on guys... jump in with me

I'm in for a couple bucks. Not that anyone knows me on this board that well, but when you get ripped off you feel like absolute crap. It'd be a nice fund to help people out.
there is definely something wrong with canadian mail. Couple of months ago I sent some stuff to a friend in canada it took almost a month to get to him. i was ready to file a claim with US post office and sent my firend his money back. When he finally got the stuff just over a month. We had no idea what happen to the package and why it took so long. We were just glad he finally got his stuff. And i had sent the package Global Pority.
Bigstick might want to file a lost claim with the US post office and gofluite might want to start asking questions on his end.
Subj: Re: bigstick* reply*
Date: 10/14/2003 9:00:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: goflutie
To: NYxCalm
"Hey man
Thanks for looking into this for me. Now I know what
happenned. Take alook at the email I forwarded on to
you and look at my address, especially my postal code.
On the email I sent Bigstick with my address, the code
is "S7H 4J6". On the reply to you from Bigstick he sent
the package to "S7h456". In Canada, like the US, the
mail gets sorted by postal code. Because the code is
wrong, the package was probably put aside or even
lost...lost I would guess by now. This is not a Customs
Bigstick said he used the address from the envelope. I
know what happens with mail, that is why I always email
my address so there are no mistakes about where the
items are going to. Question though, if Bigstick has
dealt with JJ, then he should have known what a
Canadian postal code looks like and this did not look
like one...correct??
I understand about your dealings with Bigstick and I
can see your point but I am in a professional career as
well and I never take small things like an address for
granted. It always double checked before something is
So now Bigstick has the funds, the dvd's were sent to
some address unknown by his mistake, and with your help
we've come to the bottom of this. Where do we go from
here?? Do I take the lose because of Bigstick's
mistake?? I don't think that is rightly fair. I did my
part to ensure the funds got to him correctly.
Thanks again. I appreciate your time in getting a
response for me. Please let me know what your thoughts
are and again, what Bigstick's reply is to this.
JUST NEEDED TO POST THIS TO CLEAR BIGSTICK's name. Dude's not a ripper, but something went awry unintentionally along the way... I'm gonna fade out of this as this was not a INTENTIONAL ripoff. I hope someone can think of a way where we can collect just a few measly bucks and it'll add up cause we give a damn about making this community good and help out goflutie out. You'd feel bad if it was you.
people must not LIKE you at ALL - already I got your address son
pedro santiago
26 kirtland sw apt 2
grand rapids mi 49507
Allrite, first some fun , scare you up a bit, then gonna go all out postal on you biy0tch... i back what i pop - lets do this.
[you got some stale donuts heading your way, and NO its not gonna kill you]
BTW I could care less about sangofe's plight as he seems to want to protect you for some reason. ya'll bunch of... *(&)(*
Anyone else get ripped by this mofo? lemme know ' we're gonna have us some funnnnnn :p
I had a really slow trade with gunner, but he came through in the end. I'd trade with him again.
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