NYxCalm Wrote:CC reversal will have paypal canceling your account forever. [they don't like it]
It is a recourse, but take it into consideration that you most likely won't ever be able to use paypal.
They lose $, you forfeit the right to paypal, but if you write them of your reasonable of your intent, [bank CC reversal] I'm sure they can do something and apply pressure to Nanbara [whatever his name is]
I've used Credit Card Reversal on Pay Pal and my account wasn't canceled or frozen or anything of the sort.... course it has also been more than a year ago... but it was from an Ebay auction where I'd picked up vcd's and I wanted my money back because half of them didn't have any audio... and the video was definetely not in a B range... let alone A quality... and I'd contacted Pay Pal and they'd brushed it off... so when the CC company contacted them about a reversal, Pay Pal took care of the problem. Course the idiot didn't sign for the stuff I sent back, so it came back to me and I refused to pay the shipping costs so they went into a dead letter bin at the post office....
I dunno how long we're suppose to wait for not recieving a dvd set from someone before posting their name on here.
It has been 18 days since I shipped out their Happy Lesson and 14 days since they recieved Happy Lesson. We both agreed to ship Priority mail. ~Kirika~ is telling me in PM 7 days ago they "forgot" now just this last friday I get another PM telling me they "forgot again" this is absolutely ridiculous. I didn't pay priority mail for their package so I could wait 18 days to 30 days to recieve mine.
And I still haven't recieved my package from them and after this long I don't expect to. Regardless of whether or not I recieve it they are a HORRIBLE trader. They will just "forget" to ship your dvd for a week straight and not even tell you. Then apologize and "promise" it won't happen again. Then a week later break the promise and send you another PM they "forgot"
I have never came across anyone this incompetent. I would suggest NEVER trading with this person, order from JJ before ever ordering from this person. JJ is in canada but it's still alot faster then waiting for this incompetent trader to forget for 2-3 weeks straight to ship your package and make up bullshit excuses. Still unconfirmed if I will ever recieve Ranma 1/2 OVA set. I'll post back here every week that I don't recieve it.
I have recieved Ranma 1/2 OVA from ~Kirika~ It has been about 21 days. Usually no response for 3-4 days after shipping means you got robbed. According to Kirika they forgot (14 days) must be EXTREMELY busy but ~Kirika~ came through I was shocked it came in the mail.
If you're concerned about recieving a set from Kirika fast or if you pay for priority shipping, I wouldn't recommend expecting it for a while and I would not recommend paying for priority I did and it took 21 days. ~Kirika~ will eventually get you the set though if you want to trade with them.
I'm surprised it took this long before a crap trade occurred... and it wasn't that bad too :eek: let's keep it this way...

Sadly I need to report r00ster for a shitty sale/trade.

Never ever thought i'd be doing this, but he's really let me down here.
I'm not even sure what it was at this point it was so long ago (like 6 months ago long ago) but I think it was Trigun and Cowboy Bebop I sold r00ster. We did a lotta sale/trades so i'm no positive that's what it was. I do remember though that r00ster didn't have all the money right away so I waited a while. Then he did pay me - but he didn't have the full amount. He was $50 short.
We came up with the deal that he'd just burn me a bunch of dvds and send them. We kept in touch regularly and continued talking about anime and life like we usually did on msn or through email or messages here. Well after a few months of waiting he finally tells me he's sending it out. Problem is I never get the package.
Over the next week or two he keeps in touch every once in a while saying he's talking to Canada post and yelling at them and such. When the package still never comes I ask if he'd re-burn them or just send me the money if he has it now. Since his collection to burn changed and I didn't believe he ripped me off yet I even reduced the ammount of discs and requested drastically. I thought he'd accepted this but I havn't been able to get a message or an email from him for weeks now. Four or five days ago I send him and email and a message here letting him know that I was getting upset and he needed to get back to me now. Well maybe this will get his attention.
After all the trades/sales/purchases i've made with him I can't believe he's shading out on me now like this.

Cidien Wrote:You realize you were pretty much the only person that thought that and several people posted that you are an idiot?
Still wondering why i've been ignored for 3 months though. I'd really like an answer to that.
You waste your money on Yu-gi-oh cards, made for like 8 year olds. Who are you to call
me stupid?
vegeta76 Wrote:omg... just let the damn thing die already... at least the part about the "r00ster for or against" thread
That's how I feel. However, on the other hand, I'm not going to take shit from him, either.
I've been checking the board periodically. I come back to find my old buddy Cidien getting shit unfairly when he should be the one dealing some.
Onizuka and Katherine, you really need to shut up. Stop defending a shitty trader. The way I see it, r00ster failed to communicate. That alone makes him a shitty trader. Anyone who gives too busy as an excuse is an idiot.
I wondered why some of you were sucking up to r00ster like he is a lollipop. I searched posts and then came across this old thread. A bunch of retards rambled about a group marriage and some other retarded bull shit. So onizuka and katherine_ jean are r00ster's mega buddies, huh? That explains it. Cidien and I used to get into many flame wars so you can be assured that I am the unbiased third party. I never thought I'd be on Cidien's side. But justice is justice.
This probably actually belongs in here, as many won't venture into the FF:
Cidien Wrote:I would never have brought any of this up if r00ster hadn't ignored me for so long. I don't remember reading anything where r00ster said I was harping on him, but if he did i'd be happy to copy/paste my emails and their dates. I doubt anyone would consider them harping. If he wants to send me even $25 through paypal or send me whatever dvd's he was reburning or something i'd call it fair and not even care at all anymore. No hard feelings towards r00ster even.
If he did indeed send them (which is still possible) then i'd feel a bit bad for the guy given how much i've harped on him on the boards now. However, like i've said, I never would have said a peep about this trade on the boards if r00ster had kept in contact. If I hadn't had so many succesful trades with r00ster in the past and this were practically any other trader on the boards I would have brought it to the shitty traders thread a long long time ago.
You know what... I'll just do what I should have done when the first batch went missing, and would have done had I known I would have gotten so busy. I'll paypal you the $50 USD.
The more I think about it.. the more I'm thinking that I'm not offering the same customer service I would on Ebay, to you, because this thing got blown so far out of proportion... and has led to a lot of stupid crap on and off of the forums, mostly from other members of this forum... and that's not fair to either of us. I normally take full losses over discrepencies on Ebay just to keep a good reputation.
I let the whole thing getting blown out of proportion blind me to the fact that I should have offered you the same thing that I would have offered any Ebay buyer. It's only fair since I've referenced my Ebay reputation many a time.
How's that sound? Then we can keep it out of the forums for good.
So... yeah, my initial reaction to the whole thing upon my return was hot-headed, and now that I've cooled it.. I feel fine about sending you what I owed prior to the DVDs going MIA en route. It's how I would have handled it if I had come back, and it wasn't splattered all over the forum, bleeding onto even Ebay. If I had just come back, gotten your messages, and it wasn't everywhere... I would have simply apologized for you for my absence, and offered up the $50 USD as I should have made the time to do when I got so busy.
Everyone else who took it upon themselves to harass me through Ebay, though... and turn every second thread into a batch of retardation, should give themselves 20 lashes. There's a thread for trade discussion, and it should have stayed there, especially once I was back and responding to things in that thread.
That would be fine with me. No third party should be needed - when I get the paypal payment i'll let everyone know.
Zag, feel free to sandblast all the shit that spun off from this.
EDIT: Except for the 20 lashes stuff... that, I'd like to stay.

Payment has indeed been made. Thank you. Anyone who was harassing r00ster please stop.
Time for a group hug now.
If you want to be bitter then there's plenty of room over in the Flame Forum.
Thanks to all for playing. I can't think of a better solution (unless a damaged package were to show up at Cidien's house from the post office or something... that would have a bitter sense of irony to it).
Cidien Wrote:Anyone who was harassing r00ster please stop.
He, don't forget the 50% cut you promised me for that

ok... [wow its been a long time since i've been here again]
i feel like i'm visiting a time capsule. war's still going on, the same president is still in office, florachan is on the err... run, and fx died.
umm... glad this was the only bad trade here thus far since the last one.