Do you eat it? Where do you get it? What do you get?
I don't like it very much, depending on your definition of fast food. I really like Subway, I can't eat anything at McDonalds that's not a Bacon Egg and Cheese biscuit practically. Hardees has some good stuff. I've never been to a Wendy's or Burger King in my life as there isn't one around for 50 miles or so, and now our Hardees is gone too, so it's basically McDonalds or Dairy Queen. And Subway if you count it. Dairy Queen has that Flamethrower Burger, which I like. The Jalepeno bacon fascinates me.
Somemtimes, mostly from burger king.
We're sad people we don't havea Dairy Queen, we have Dairy King, or the opposit of what they normally are.
As for choices we have Wendys BK Mc Donalds Hardees Waffle House (which for stupid reasons doesn't stay open all night -_-) & Arbys. Also we have aJin Jins & some BBQ place, that's about all I remember/care to remember at the moment.
Forgot subway & some other chinese place along with normal pizza palces.
I have my choice of fast food places in the area with one exception. I don't have a White Castle any closer than two hours away. I've been known to drive those two hours just to pick up some sliders as well (although not more than once per year).
More often I'll pick up some cheap tacos at Taco Bell (never touch their fancy stuff) or a quarter pounder at McDonalds. I've been known to go to Burger Thing or Wendy's or Fast Eddie's or New York Fries or any number of other fast food joints on occasion. I try not to pick a favourite from them. Whatever happens to be convenient at the time.
I'm a big fan of McDonalds - They've got the best fries in the whole wide world IMO ^_^ On another note, when my friend went to India, she got really mad because she was craving for a big mac and she got a veggie version of it.
Second choice is Popeyes.. Good chicken and mashed potatoes.
I always end up feeling queasy after eating a fast food meal. A single burger or sandwich from either BK or McD's is fine though. Anyway, it's just too damn expensive to eat the stuff regularly in the UK.
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
On another note, when my friend went to India, she got really mad because she was craving for a big mac and she got a veggie version of it.
Although there's some debate about beef-eating, I don't think even McDonald's would be dumb enough to sell regular Big Macs in a predominantly Hindu country.
I used to like fast food but I've started to cut back but I am always around people who eat it everyday. *sigh* I usually eat Jack in the Box or Wendy's. I usually get tacos or the simplest burger deal.
I eat Dairy Queen alot lately since it just opened, and it's like 2 min's away from my house. ^^ Laziness prevails , woot ^O^
Wendy's since it's one of the better joints here onc ampus and I like the Pita food is so over priced and yucky soemtiems that I try and avoid it.
I like subway veggie delite no cheese..I do not eat any other fast food place due to my being a vegetarian (no meat) and Vegan (no dairy).. so its really hard to eat out.......

I go to Wendy's, and that's about it. Mcdonald's is icky.
im a vegitarian, so not really, its very hard to get vegitarian fast food in houston.
Yeah!! I am not alone..Hehe well it doesn't really bother me that I cant really eat out.....

i don't like to eat fast food, it's pretty unhealthy for you. has anyone ever seen the movie super size me? i eat subway, i don't really consider that fast food, i mean, it's just a sandwich and somtimes i eat taco bell cuz i need something to eat quick.
taco bell uses grade d meat.
I haven't eaten at a fast food joint since I saw a preview for "Supersize Me." The amount of fat is just incredible. However, I do have a weakness for KFC. So I still do plan to eat some in future Toonie Tuesdays.