Quote:Originally posted by SilverMuraki
My, your rather adament about spanking the monkey.^^ I got better results when I aimed for his head and not his buttocks, I don't know if that helps any. Hmm..maybe one of the guys on this forum would be nice enough to help you with your technique ^^
Ha, this thread could get a hell of a lot more puerile with that sort of comment @_@;. Well damn, I've been aiming for his yuckeh looking face. At his feet I got some odd 30 number. It's the mouse I say and I'll prove it laters.
And may I now be happy because my Yuki Eiri icon shall be made tonight!
360!!! Mwhahaahaa!!! Wow, that's fast, and I've never spanked a monkey before....that sounds dirty:eek:
I also believe there is a dirty joke in SilverMuraki's statement.:p
Ha, I forced Pen to try it and he got 300 and at home I got like 200 sumfin. Woot ^-^ and I almost got in a car crash today because some idiot thought making a left turn on red was a good move! Go me go me!
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Yeah well, we'd have to see some pics first. But I have a feeling that she's jailbait. :eek:
I am most certainly
not. -fwaps Muraki with her
college books- Your advertisement just didn't do me justice. I have piccies that I've shared recently when asked properly. -has been Chris P approved and deemed cute- Yea \\//
Quote:Originally posted by Pristine
I have piccies that I've shared recently when asked properly. -has been Chris P approved and deemed cute- Yea \\//
Yeah, well, I don't ask properly and I don't know who this Chris P is.
If you want to share, go ahead, and I'm sure there's some undersexed teen on here who'd be more than happy to teach you how to . . . spank the monkey. :p
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Yeah, well, I don't ask properly and I don't know who this Chris P is.
If you want to share, go ahead, and I'm sure there's some undersexed teen on here who'd be more than happy to teach you how to . . . spank the monkey. :p
Chris Patton silly. And yea there are plenty of those to go around or so I've noticed on AOL at the very least.
-shrugs- There should be a post for everyone's shiny piccies! I saw someone's pic in the trading forum..oh yea Chris ^-^
Quote:Originally posted by Pristine
-shrugs- There should be a post for everyone's shiny piccies!
There used to be. Every once in a while, someone while make a post about pics. It slowly dies and gets buried over time. Then someone new comes along and makes a new thread about pics.
And how do you know Chris wasn't just saying that so you'd continue to buy more of his DVD's? :eek:
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
There used to be. Every once in a while, someone while make a post about pics. It slowly dies and gets buried over time. Then someone new comes along and makes a new thread about pics.
And how do you know Chris wasn't just saying that so you'd continue to buy more of his DVD's? :eek:
Ah ha. Might as well just set up a gallery or something ._.
Pfft, that theory has been tested and I don't think he's all fake like that. Then again, ya never know. -cues fooked up dramatic music-
You never know what I guy will say to keep you buying his anime! That rhymed!!!! I feel so kewl now...just kidding. I just feel kinda dorky.
WTF??? You nearly got into a car accident? BAKA!!! T.T
Gomen ne master, I forgot to put up your info as well. Fine then if you desire for me to properly sell you off....... then ok!!!
Hmmm..She is a 20 year old, spunky Gemini. She has red-brown short hair (well at least the last time I saw her >.>), blue eyes, medium frame, and is a size 36 C. She currently attending Ohio University for Education, and is a junior. In her spare him she loves to watch anime, RP, stalk Chris Patton, and have the *coughs* occasional *coughs* drink. >)
I think that's about all there is to say... So who want's her?
Quote:Originally posted by SilverMuraki
stalk Chris Patton
Hahahahaha. they all make fun of me on AoD, since I always talk about Hilary Haag. So I guess we're in the same boat. We need to make a road trip down to ADV studios in Houston.

Quote:Originally posted by SilverMuraki
WTF??? You nearly got into a car accident? BAKA!!! T.T
Gomen ne master, I forgot to put up your info as well. Fine then if you desire for me to properly sell you off....... then ok!!!
Hmmm..She is a 20 year old, spunky Gemini. She has red-brown short hair (well at least the last time I saw her >.>), blue eyes, medium frame, and is a size 36 C. She currently attending Ohio University for Education, and is a junior. In her spare him she loves to watch anime, RP, stalk Chris Patton, and have the *coughs* occasional *coughs* drink. >)
I think that's about all there is to say... So who want's her?
LOL! Omg, you are so fooked up. For reals...no more snuff or Mikes for you after work! LOL...oh god that's just hilarious...
You best watch yourself because I could do a lil advertising for you as well! And it wasn't my fault. I can't help it that some people don't know how to drive ~_~
Ah well, some of it's true like the Chris part. There's nothing more entertaining than stalking a VA. And we are so going to Texas for a con and if Chris comes to the Ohio con. Woo hoo, we'll load up on Red Bull. Now all we need is to get Shuichi's dub VA's info and get Liam ^-^