Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Yeah you're right Vicious. You are right.
YOU HEAR THAT??? VICIOUS IS RIGHT!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
Yaaay!!!!! Probably the first and last time I'll hear someone say that. :p
Somewhere along the line, this thread has turned into comedy. Well...we need one of those, too. This is funniest in a while.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Interesting . . . I still say that they're making back those losses somewhere. Maybe through affiliate links or something. Or them bastards might be skimming off the top like Worldcom and whatever that other company was.
Vicious is almost right, but they are not making back any losses. Amazon.com have been losing millions of dollars for years. I didn't know they fianlly made profit for the first time. This is how it works. A group of investors pour money into a company and own a big portion, hoping that company value will increase someday. Meanwhile, company executives drain investers' money year after year (including paying themslves a million dollars worth of big bonus and free jets even when the company is in the verge of bankrupcy: was it US airway or United? One of them did that). When they run outta money, they either borrow money or issue more stocks to raise operating capital. That fails, company goes bankrupt or goes outta business leaving investers (actual owners of company) with worthless stocks. Many companies are operating in this basis year after year and never make profit and never will make profit. This is equivalent to using your own money to run your business with hired hands until you go broke. Strange as it seems, this is quite normal.
Wow, JJ is laid back! i can't believe you can curse on the boards! does that mean you can curse in reviews too? I have to go edit my mahoromatic review, and show my true frustration over how much it sucked.
Hey, calm down there:p
English contain many other classy words that can describe frustration and disgust just as well as or better than using low-brow words. Let's stick to better words especially for review section. I am sure most people will take them more seriously if they don't contain curses.
Quote:Originally posted by AnimeInMe
..........but I will return, hopefully when I return from of evening of torture and loathsome acts of humilation...You people can cheer me up!!! THANKS!!!
So, not only are you degrading in that you perform "loathsome acts of humilation" but you also want us to cheer you on so your miserable life doesn't seem so insignificant and petty ?
AinmeInMe seems to be immune to any criticism. I kinda like his spirits.
Eh....am I the only one enjoying this? This sure is getting really funny though hahaahahhaahhaha
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Eh....am I the only one enjoying this?
Beefcake!!! Beefcake!!!! (felt like throwing some Cartman in here)
well, i guess i will play the bad guy and lock this thread since its not getting anywhere, why dont everyone go and talk about what "SKU means"