Because I KNEW he was going to tell me *sarcasm dripping* Man lighten up I was just bored and asked to see if he was going to say anything to it. You cant tell me youv'e never wondered the same thing so shut the hell up.
Nice work guys. Way to treat a new guy.:mad: I bet that he won't post here no more. Is that what you want?
Quote:Originally posted by AnimeInMe
Because I KNEW he was going to tell me *sarcasm dripping* Man lighten up I was just bored and asked to see if he was going to say anything to it. You cant tell me youv'e never wondered the same thing so shut the hell up.
wondered what? if he's making a profit? That's obvious. that's the goal of any business. If you're losing money, you shouldn't be in business. wondered how much he's getting the DVD's for? sure. But did I expect a response from him? No! plus COMMON SENSE would tell you it's somewhere between $1-$7. OBVIOuSLY (at least to anyone with half a brain) that the people burning the DVD's have to make a profit too. So if you just use some logic and 2% of your brain, you can figure out that it's probably somwhere in the $4-$5 range depending on how much bulk he's ordering in.
Did you have any other stupid questions you wanted to ask us that you're too lazy to figure out on your own? And before you ask, no, you should not stick your hand in an open flame. Any others?
Oh yes I my entire question was "Junkie, are you making a profit or miracously keeping a website up and losing money at the same time?" You are so quick to just scroll through my response and label me an idiot that it's funny. The whole point was I merely wanted to see what HE said, for my own personal amusement for Christ's sake. So stop being his mother or whatever and don't post things that make YOU look like the fool.
Oh..And thank you for your concern hbk101!
Umm, I don't think Vicious is the one looking foolish here.
hbk101, I don't mind if he posts here I just want him to think a little bit before he posts is all.
Hey, AnimeInMe
Ignore all these flaming remarks. They will eventually get nicer. This almost remind me of fraternity scene where brothers seems to enjoy hazing new pleadges.
yes I do make a small profit, I do this as a hobby, having a day time job, I am able to keep prices lower than other shops because I have lower overhead...
so in the immortal words of Vash the Stampede.
"Love and Peace! LOVE AND PEACE!"
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Umm, I don't think Vicious is the one looking foolish here.
I didn't mean Vicious was wrong. In fact, I find his posting quite fun to read. It's just that ones who hasn't seen them before might take some offense.
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Umm, I don't think Vicious is the one looking foolish here.
hbk101, I don't mind if he posts here I just want him to think a little bit before he posts is all.
Thanks Kakoi. I'm with him on this one. I just wish people would think before posting. Alot of times, you can figure these questions out on your own if you just apply a little logic.
And for future reference if you want JJ and just JJ to reply to you, I suggest you PM him. If you post in an open forum, you are bound to get responses from others.
God I think we should all listen to Junkie and all get along... i also this post should of been one of those that should been locked before 50% of this flaming ocurred... =D
It wasn't like he didn't ask for it.

That would be ironic, wouldn't it? This one started out as a protest to another thread getting locked. Personally, I don't think it was anywhere close to bad enough to get locked. If you look at the whole thing as a third person, it's rather amusing. Little argument won't hurt. I just didn't wnat new guy to get angry and leave.
If he left after something as small as that he didn't really want to be here in the first place.

Besides I really don't see where we were being that mean to him.

But, as you think about it if this post gets too out of hand then he might get angry enough to leave you know?