How many posts do you gotta have before you can use an icon? :p
Quote:Originally posted by Liete
How many posts do you gotta have before you can use an icon? :p
I believe 50 before you're allowed an avatar...yup we got a long way to go :o
As much as im known to post it shouldnt take me to long
it never took that long to get 50 post if you got someing to say
probably just few more days
As long as you dfon't pass me in ranking I'm good with that

:p that would take a long time
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
As long as you dfon't pass me in ranking I'm good with that
I'm working on it, Lonely...

I'm not around as much as I use to be anymore. Maybe everyother day at the most. Having a boyfriend with a car can keep you out a lot.:p

i have a car and i choose not to date because it would deduct from my personal time

Have car, husband, toddler...and Job, I'm on maybe 2-3 times a week, that's about it. He doesn't even post that much either.

Went to a local concert yesterday, and ended up giving the lead singer of the head lining band my phone number. He hasn't called yet, but I feel accomplished enough just giving it to him.
I know this has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but I didn't feel like starting a whole new thread for my statement.
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
Went to a local concert yesterday, and ended up giving the lead singer of the head lining band my phone number. He hasn't called yet, but I feel accomplished enough just giving it
I think my brain had a fuzzy moment because the first time I read that I thought you said " I ended up giving the lead singer head".

I guess I gotta get my mind out of the gutter.
No, if you read it and you aren't really paying attention, that's what you see. I saw it, too.
I guess it was just the way she worded it.

Maybe he will call, who knows.