It is good for you. The "people" around here put sugar in thier tea! Blah.

I put sugar and evaporated milk in my earl grey. Damn good
Icecream, soda, noodles and anything that will keep me awake.
I can't stand straight up Tea. Way too bitter. :mrgreen:
Sweet Tea is Godly Kak! :wink: Cough *peon* Cough
Joke Desu Joke Joke Joke Desu

That's one for my side. :mrgreen:
You lika Da sweeta tea Pie?
I guess you can say that. I also like da fly bitches, course I have to settle for the tea. *sigh*
Eating my breakfast right now = Fruit Loop + whatever other cereal I can find in my basement.
Cool I'm about to do the same.
mmmmmmm found Cinnamon Toast Crunch. :mrgreen:
I love that stuff but never have it! WTF?
I never get it either. I found some in my basement some how. Good stuff, it wont be around for more than a day or two. :wink:
ARRRGG. You people like sweet tea! A little bit of sugar is forgivable, but the tea shouldn't taste like kool aid!
I would really love some CTC right now! You remember when there were other bakers. Then that bastard Wendel took over.

I only put sugar in breakfast tea, if its chinese or green tea i put nothing at all