I live in Colorado now, just moved here.. Most of my japanese food came with me from Boston, where we had a fantastic grocery store called Kotobukiya. Now that I'm here, I dunno.. I hear there's a place in Denver called Sakura Square with lots of Japanese stores, I guess I'll check it out when I run out of Koalas and pocky..I haven't been out much since I got here.. And what the hell, I'll tell you guys my stupid reason.

See, my wife likes to stay home during the weekends, I like to go out.. When we go out, it typically costs $100 or more for the full weekend.. Well, I realized that if we don't go anywhere, she's happy since we're home and I'm happy cause I use that going out money to order anime online.. So this week I plan to order all the Love Hina stuff and not go out anywhere. ^_^ But if we *did* go anywhere it would be Sakura Square for my snack restock.
Boston is great. I live pretty close to Boston (not extremely close, but close enough). Taking the T wouldn't be a problem. Let's just hope your still a Bo Sox fan. I'll have to check out the place you were talking about next time I go. I have been to the China Town (there really isn't any Chinese candy, it is pretty much Japanese).
It's the porter square stop off the red line.. Take a left out of the stop, you'll know you're going the right way if you see a white hen pantry.. It's on your left hand side, it's a little japanese plaza. The ramen joint inside kicks some serious ass. there are a few sushi joints and a fairly nice japanese restaurant inside as well..Also, across the street from the plaza and down a sidestreet is a Japanese bookstore.. Lots of untranslated manga.. Pick up Musashi by Yoshikawa there if you don't have it.. It's a great read. As for the sox.. well, I don't have directtv for nothin'. ~_^
Ramen Noodles and Pepsi here.
Thank God you haven't forgot about them. Thanks for the directions, I really want to check it out. Go figure when you leave they have a con coming. Anime Boston 2003 (in April). Don't worry the way the streets are I won't find it. Heh Heh, man the Big Dig was a BIG MISTAKE.
[color=darkred] Straight up cold cuts are pretty good too. The champion of Midnight snacks.
Pepsi Blue!!! How good is this stuff? Woooooo! Much better than the new Dr. Pepper Red Fusion..Tastes like Dr. Pepper with red food coloring in it. ~_^
My beverage of choice would have to be original coke or possibly sprite (however for my evil health regime I drink a glass of prune and tomato juice every morning). Today at work, the store was empty. Instead of making bagels like I should, I ate cold cuts and drank some seltzer water while I listened to music. For some reason (thank God) our little Bagel Shop has become the mecca for Asian Women. I've seen more Asian women here than anywhere else. Go figure. ^_^
Quote:Originally posted by "Shibo"
Pepsi Blue!!! How good is this stuff? Woooooo! Much better than the new Dr. Pepper Red Fusion..Tastes like Dr. Pepper with red food coloring in it. ~_^
hehhe, that dr. pepper fusion crap was a cheap rip-off of mt dew's code red...so cheap infact that they did nothing to change the dr. pepper formula but add red food coloring!
i just picked up a bottle of pepsi blue last night...gonna test drive it tonight.
Code Red is pretty nuts. Finaly sombody figured out how to bottle a Shirley Temple.
Pepsi Blue? Dr Pepper Red Fusion? man i am behind times.. that is the only thing that sucks about being oversees.. miss out on all the new stuff.. though that lemon pepsi sucks..
Yeah when the Diet Coke with Lemon came in I started drinking it at work. Then I realized that I really wasn't for me(ie. I had no taste). So I switched back to Coke.
Pepsi Blue rules.. It's bright blue, as you can prolly guess... And it says Berry Cola Fusion on the bottle, which is probably about right. I think it's the best new soda to come out since.. I wonder how many of you remember this product... OK Soda. Man, I loved that stuff, it sucks that they stopped making it. I remember they had their own phone line you could call, 1-800-I Feel OK. This was back when I was in high school... The good old days.

I think it caused cancer in lab rats or something. The stuff just disappeared all of a sudden. Ok soda had just about the coolest approach to selling soda. I somewhat remember a guy on the box, who looked like Bernard from Maniac Mansion (ok gamers think back to Nintendo or really early computers).
weird... been to a bunch of convienient stores here and no pepsi blue... dont tell me it hasnt reached canada yet ~_~.... we got pepsi twist here but thats about it