No problem, Dark, as long as this stuff STOPS here, I see no reason to have this thread locked. The Topic was the disrespectful attitudes of today's youth, I belive they are referred to as Generation Y.
What happened to good old GEN X?
Hey, Dark
I think you had it all wrong. Only thing I mind is when people resort to saying "F-you" "Idiot" "dumb ass" and other vulger expression instead of explaining themselves. That's when to end the argument. Other than that, I take any criticism lightly. Obviously, the issue of evolution vs. creation must be very important to you, (which isn't to me) and you get very emotional? If that's the case, we will not talk about it.
Well I don't get emotional really, it's that when I have an opinion and people argue over my opinion, I tend to not stop until they do. But you can't do that here and I wanted to stop before I MYSELF got out of hand. E vs. C is a big issue for me but I didn't want to get into an "I'm right your wrong" argument over soemthing like this. Because it even says in the Bible to form your own ideals. So if someone doesn't believe in God, well God gave them the right not to do so. Anyways, I appreciate this ending here before the world itself ends.

Hey Ka-Talliya
I think we are Gen X. 20-25 year olds. when I was 13 or 14 I remember society labeled us as GenX. Now that I think about it, I remember them saying anyone from like 1975-1990 was labeled GenX
Gen Y or the Lazy boomers as i call them haha, have become complacent and more susceptable to the easy way out ideology. the instant presto demands and reliance on technology's dulling their sharpness and spoiling them. gone are the days when you would hear gramps say, "sonny, when i was your age, we fetched water from the well!"
dang... those were the days
less appreciative proteges = devalued waste of human life forms. its our responsibility to smack the shizzle out these degenerates. instill in them the moral values that our forefathers showed us. like a belt buckle and 5 across the eyes!! hahaha j/k
seriously though
in this day and age, its just good to plop in a nice anime series and escape for just but a moment... a lapse from reality... ahh yes, get your fix! the anime drug! w00t
Exactly Nyx!!! A leather strap across every back and the back of a hand across every mouth! That's how I was raised, and kids these days just get a slap on the hand IF EVEN THAT!!! Little pukes!