12-08-2003, 11:22 AM
12-14-2003, 07:58 PM
First off this loser who posted above me is friggin stupid. 2nd he needs to learn englidh NOT ebonics!
Anyways, back on subject...Kids need spankings. My dad made a paddle for me at his work when I was about 9 and it was made from a 2 x 4!!! I am GLAD I got spankings. These people as you referred to as "They" are a buch of politically correct pieces of shit who never had kids of their own I bet. I hate PC - Government controlled - no life - going straight to HELL people like that. I know 20 yr olds who need a spanking. I'll give it to 'em too the little Bastards!!!
Anyways, back on subject...Kids need spankings. My dad made a paddle for me at his work when I was about 9 and it was made from a 2 x 4!!! I am GLAD I got spankings. These people as you referred to as "They" are a buch of politically correct pieces of shit who never had kids of their own I bet. I hate PC - Government controlled - no life - going straight to HELL people like that. I know 20 yr olds who need a spanking. I'll give it to 'em too the little Bastards!!!
12-15-2003, 06:38 AM
Preach it, Brother!
Thanks for backing me up on this. We are even seeing this disturbing behavior in our younger troops.
I walked into my husbands shop with him while I was in Civilian clothes and was talking to some of the guys I knew there. Some new kid, no older than 17-18, barges into the room and starts making rude comments about the on going converstations. When I ask him who the hell he is, he replies with "Who the hell are you?"
I'm sorry, but you never know who maybe hanging out, out of uniform. Some of these kids have no respect for age, rank or authority. I'm not trying to lump all kids 13-18 into this, but it seems a vast majority, my siblings included, of them seem to think that authority needs to be challanged and to respect no one.
Don't challange authority, unless you got a better plan.
Thanks for backing me up on this. We are even seeing this disturbing behavior in our younger troops.
I walked into my husbands shop with him while I was in Civilian clothes and was talking to some of the guys I knew there. Some new kid, no older than 17-18, barges into the room and starts making rude comments about the on going converstations. When I ask him who the hell he is, he replies with "Who the hell are you?"
I'm sorry, but you never know who maybe hanging out, out of uniform. Some of these kids have no respect for age, rank or authority. I'm not trying to lump all kids 13-18 into this, but it seems a vast majority, my siblings included, of them seem to think that authority needs to be challanged and to respect no one.
Don't challange authority, unless you got a better plan.
12-15-2003, 09:09 AM
Discepline is no longer a requirement in this day and age. It all goes hand in hand with the Liberalism and other happy horse shit. "You can't spank your kids, You can't shoot a Deer and eat it, You can't teach nor talk about God in public anything." But you can leat your kids hit you and throw tantrums, you can go to the store and BUY meat, you can let the schools teach evolution ( an UNPROVEN ) theory that can never be proven as true (I only brought this up because you should be able, and truely can, talk about Creationism too in schools.) Since we can't teah and talk and do things we were doing 50 years ago WHY IS IT WRONG TO DO THESE THINGS NOW?!?!?!?!?! Now it's wrong to kill an animal and eat it??? Now it's wrong to talk about GOD in the general Public?????
Now it's wrong to spank your child???? Who the FUCK changed the rules and why is it wrong NOW???? The WORLD was founded on all this and suddenly it's wrong to express even your freakin opinion?!?!?!?!? Try and convince me that Gods Revelation (the last book of the Bible) Isn't in effect right now!!!! If you read it, we are almost HALF of the way to the end of it!
Now it's wrong to spank your child???? Who the FUCK changed the rules and why is it wrong NOW???? The WORLD was founded on all this and suddenly it's wrong to express even your freakin opinion?!?!?!?!? Try and convince me that Gods Revelation (the last book of the Bible) Isn't in effect right now!!!! If you read it, we are almost HALF of the way to the end of it!
12-15-2003, 08:04 PM
Should the words GOD and FUCK be put together like that :p
I don't think children are taught to have respect anymore. I mean if your mother or father were standing in line at a coffe shop and are talking on the phone while placing an order for a frappaccino and then toss their credit card at the cashier then don't say a simple thank you as they walk off still absorbed in thier phone conversation...what the hell would you learn from that.
I don't think children are taught to have respect anymore. I mean if your mother or father were standing in line at a coffe shop and are talking on the phone while placing an order for a frappaccino and then toss their credit card at the cashier then don't say a simple thank you as they walk off still absorbed in thier phone conversation...what the hell would you learn from that.
12-16-2003, 10:01 AM
Yeah I worked in a gas station for over a year and not too many people were polite either. I know what you mean. Dignity is also a no-no now as well. Nobody has respect for themselves. What the heck happened to society???
12-22-2003, 02:44 PM
hay, i dont know why adults complain so much. I think adults should just stop thinking, that way it would be easier for them to relaxe and for us kids to get money out of em. LOL
12-22-2003, 04:22 PM
We complain 'cause parents won't strap their kids. If I could strap their kids, I wouldn't complain.
PS. I'd rather not think of myself as an adult yet, just a 17 year old for the past four years!
PS. I'd rather not think of myself as an adult yet, just a 17 year old for the past four years!

12-23-2003, 06:25 PM
I just passed my Child Development class not to long ago, & do you know what I've learned?
That by the offical standards my parents were sh!tty parents, & should have never raised a kid.
Does this change my opinion of how they were at raiseing me? No. I may have a strange side, but I am atleast a decent human being, where as the only people I know that have been raised "correctly" are the rich brats who are disrespectful to anyone who doesn't effect their grade, or who much money mommy or daddy will give them. These are the same kids that when they're caught drinking, partying, & smoking pot their parents are embrassed, & give the same speach about "I don't konw what got into them." Like I've read above. Then they start with the media influence crap.
And yes, for anyone who thinks I'm just making this crap up for a reason to hate "rich brats", I do have an example. One boy, no names to be mentioned, was a good kid (not the type of person I would hang out with), football player, all round role model materal. Then his parents caught him drunk, & doing a couple of other things, & all of a sudden they didn't know what was wrong with him. The kid didn't just up & become bad, he'd turned into a school bully, & started mouthing off to teachers.
So I guess you could say that some parents just don't know, or are unwilling to listen to the facts in time to save their kids.
Hopefully that made sense. Peace Out.
Oh, & yeah Child Development is one of those classes that preaches aginst what you guys believe, & what I believe for that matter. And I'm pertty sure my mom was right when she said it was one of those trashy classes deleveoped by our Politically correct government.
That by the offical standards my parents were sh!tty parents, & should have never raised a kid.
Does this change my opinion of how they were at raiseing me? No. I may have a strange side, but I am atleast a decent human being, where as the only people I know that have been raised "correctly" are the rich brats who are disrespectful to anyone who doesn't effect their grade, or who much money mommy or daddy will give them. These are the same kids that when they're caught drinking, partying, & smoking pot their parents are embrassed, & give the same speach about "I don't konw what got into them." Like I've read above. Then they start with the media influence crap.
And yes, for anyone who thinks I'm just making this crap up for a reason to hate "rich brats", I do have an example. One boy, no names to be mentioned, was a good kid (not the type of person I would hang out with), football player, all round role model materal. Then his parents caught him drunk, & doing a couple of other things, & all of a sudden they didn't know what was wrong with him. The kid didn't just up & become bad, he'd turned into a school bully, & started mouthing off to teachers.
So I guess you could say that some parents just don't know, or are unwilling to listen to the facts in time to save their kids.
Hopefully that made sense. Peace Out.
Oh, & yeah Child Development is one of those classes that preaches aginst what you guys believe, & what I believe for that matter. And I'm pertty sure my mom was right when she said it was one of those trashy classes deleveoped by our Politically correct government.
01-14-2004, 11:20 PM
Respect is a two way street ya know.....sometimes if ya smile at a complete stranger you make their day.
01-15-2004, 01:06 AM
I completely agree with you, however, a smile isn't what's wrong.
A smile would completely solve my problems...
Okay, but when you don't even get the chance to smile before some one is rude to you...what then?
I give up, there is no hope for this generation. They are disrespectful, angery undisiplined brats. It is my generation...how I escaped their fate, I don't know. My siblings exhibit this same behavior and they are 19 & 17.
I know respect is something earned, but you don't have to be disrespectful just because we are older, or wiser or whatever.
After today, I don't know why I even try. It doesn't make a differance.
A smile would completely solve my problems...

Okay, but when you don't even get the chance to smile before some one is rude to you...what then?
I give up, there is no hope for this generation. They are disrespectful, angery undisiplined brats. It is my generation...how I escaped their fate, I don't know. My siblings exhibit this same behavior and they are 19 & 17.
I know respect is something earned, but you don't have to be disrespectful just because we are older, or wiser or whatever.
After today, I don't know why I even try. It doesn't make a differance.
01-16-2004, 02:26 PM
If by this generation, you mean mine, I must be offended by that, I for one do not believe that I lack respect for anone older than myself. Infact, the only people that can complain about me having no respect is my peers who I treat lack trash becase, well, that's what they are. Anyone who hears the story about some guy's kid dying, and laughs about it has something wrong with them. Not to say that his cause of death wasn't funny (the kid died from date rape drugs when he was going out with his guy friends), but still it's not something to chuckle at.
When I look at it, there are far more disrepectful teens than those who actually deserve to live, but I do not feel that would make my generation worth giving up on. Which is a bit contridictory to how I often feel when I'm around the little dsrespectful retarts (tarts, not tards).
When I look at it, there are far more disrepectful teens than those who actually deserve to live, but I do not feel that would make my generation worth giving up on. Which is a bit contridictory to how I often feel when I'm around the little dsrespectful retarts (tarts, not tards).
01-16-2004, 03:19 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
If by this generation, you mean mine, I must be offended by that, I for one do not believe that I lack respect for anone older than myself. Infact, the only people that can complain about me having no respect is my peers who I treat lack trash becase, well, that's what they are.
so the other people in your generation are "trash" and have no respect? but you feel that you shouldn't be lumped in with them, why? generalizations are exactly what the word implies: generally speaking X is Y, but there are, however, exceptions. i don't see how you can get offended at a generalization about your generation when you yourself agree with the statement. there are always exceptions to generalizations, but they come up for a reason: generally this is true, *generally*.
01-16-2004, 03:45 PM
Yes, there are always exceptions. When I wrote that, I was dealing with some respect issues with my troops. I've done the damn time in the Military, I deserve their respect. If they don't think so, they need to leave the Military.
01-17-2004, 12:04 AM
I taught 6 mths in an elementary school. I couldn't believe those kids. I taught 7 yr-olds to 12 yr-olds. MAN! Those kids have no respect for anyone. I was the form teacher for a class of 11 yr old kids. Most kids were ok. However, there were a few who, well bigger than I am, they actually tried to intimidate me while I was trying to break up a fight between them once. They threatened me :" Come on! Interfere more and I will tell my mum to lodge a complain agst you and you will lose your job!" What da......................... I remember very clearly that on my first day in the school, the principal actually told me not to scold the kids or punish them coz the parents were going to make a lot of noise. :mad:
At the end of the day, the last teacher teaching the class had to lead the kids to the gates where their parents were waiting. I actually heard several times, the parents telling the kids that they would come to school and yell at the teachers if they dared to scold their kids. They would whip the teachers if the teachers dare to punish the kids.
Geez! What happened to the good old days when children respect their teachers? I remember during my time, my parents and classmates' parents leave everything to the teachers. The teachers could scold us, punish us or even hit our hands with rulers if we were ever naughty. None of us would even dare to protest since we know that we were in the wrong.
During Teacher's Day, when teachers get cards of thanks from students,
I remember the teacher sitting next to me getting a card drawn with coffins and a wishing, " MAY YOU BE DEAD WHEN YOU READ THIS AND THE COFFIN'S FOR YOU!" I knew the kid who wrote that and I knew the parents. The parents actually came to school, kicked up a big fuss and cussed at the teacher when this kid had to do detention for all his rudeness and unruliness. They accused the teacher of mistreating and being biased against the kid. They claimed that their child was an ANGEL! Man...this kid is the type who would hit you if he got the chance. He was the big bully in school. Everyone knew that.
Sheesh.....I really wonder how and what are the parents teaching their kids nowadays.
My housemate's niece and nephew likes to sit at least 12 hours, 7 days a week in front of the computer playing games. Mark this, they are only 13 and 12. When their grandma tells them to do their HW, their dad will tell his mum off for not loving the grandkids and not letting them do whatever they like.
Serious, what happened to the good old days?
At the end of the day, the last teacher teaching the class had to lead the kids to the gates where their parents were waiting. I actually heard several times, the parents telling the kids that they would come to school and yell at the teachers if they dared to scold their kids. They would whip the teachers if the teachers dare to punish the kids.
Geez! What happened to the good old days when children respect their teachers? I remember during my time, my parents and classmates' parents leave everything to the teachers. The teachers could scold us, punish us or even hit our hands with rulers if we were ever naughty. None of us would even dare to protest since we know that we were in the wrong.

During Teacher's Day, when teachers get cards of thanks from students,
I remember the teacher sitting next to me getting a card drawn with coffins and a wishing, " MAY YOU BE DEAD WHEN YOU READ THIS AND THE COFFIN'S FOR YOU!" I knew the kid who wrote that and I knew the parents. The parents actually came to school, kicked up a big fuss and cussed at the teacher when this kid had to do detention for all his rudeness and unruliness. They accused the teacher of mistreating and being biased against the kid. They claimed that their child was an ANGEL! Man...this kid is the type who would hit you if he got the chance. He was the big bully in school. Everyone knew that.
Sheesh.....I really wonder how and what are the parents teaching their kids nowadays.
My housemate's niece and nephew likes to sit at least 12 hours, 7 days a week in front of the computer playing games. Mark this, they are only 13 and 12. When their grandma tells them to do their HW, their dad will tell his mum off for not loving the grandkids and not letting them do whatever they like.
Serious, what happened to the good old days?